Originally Posted by Sheepdip
Well I'd love to be able answer your question but I have no idea who Benny is.
My original POA valve was a Delco brand which can be cleaned and recalibrated (if still good) but not rebuilt, the Fridgidare brand can be opened up and rebuilt. Original Air Products has a service for these but it is quite pricey.
I found a good used Frigidare brand on eBay that had been cleaned, tested and calibrated for R134 for a reasonable price, I figured if it ever goes bad I have a rebuildable core....works like a charm as is.
Ha ha, sorry, F.A.A.benny used to frequent the board, I haven't seen of him in a long while. He does a nice job restoring A/C to new, it's not cheap either, and probably add another $200 shipping. Interesting information, I'll have to check my POA, my guess it's Delco.