Thread: 55.2-59 Heater Hose Ideas
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Old 05-10-2020, 02:15 AM   #8
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Re: Heater Hose Ideas

correct. drain some coolant or be ready for a spill. pull the old hose off, clean the spigot, slip the plugs on and then clamp them down. if it has been awhile since changing your coolant now would be an opportune time. drain the rad first and reinstall the cap after so you don't get totally soaked, then pull the block drains on each side and open the rad cap. be ready with some drain pans. I usually flush the engine at that time using the garden hose but not wide open. I would remove the lower rad hose if doing that but after the coolant is drained. you would be amazed at the sediment in most engines. coolant should be flushed out every 5 yrs at least.
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