I bought a '67 Suburban from a good ol' boy in Mesa, 10 years ago, It had a "hillbilly stick" holding up the hood instead or a passenger side hood hinge/spring assembly. A piece of tapered 1x3 about 4 1/2' long, with black electric tape in the middle to keep it from splitting further. I put in a $25 hood hinge from a junkyard [you could still get 'em then] and was happy.
Like SLS's story -- I also found some flattened aluminum Pepsi cans JB-Welded into the rusted-out tub corners of a '72 K/5 I bought as a rolling frame. It had seen some rough duty as a surf buggy, judging from the surfboard decals on the windshield, and the rusty spots in wierd places.
Every 25 years I like to rebuild that 292, whether it needs it or not.