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Old 09-16-2004, 04:43 PM   #15
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Yeah I can understand why you would take offense at the word "reseller". I hope it was just meant in jest.

But how is a reseller any worse than what Wes or TEEITUP or the rest of the people who buy parts to resell them? If you can make a couple of dollars and help somebody with your part more power to you. This is America (Canada, England) where we believe and are rewards by the free enterprise system. If we did not have resellers I would not have my tilt, wheels, bed, frame, etc. because I would of never been around where they were relocated.

My Dad said there are two types of resellers. Guys that buy trucks or parts that love trucks and want to make money too. And there are others that just want to make money and have no care for trucks. The first bunch are enthusiasts and the others are the rapist.

It appears if you are a reseller then you fall in the first bunch and are an asset to this board.

Thank you.
1969 Chevy LWB - with shaved handles; 3 1/2 front/ 5 1/2 rear drop; (waiting to be put back together)
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