Originally Posted by geezer#99
Nothing obvious stands out from your pics. Too clean not to have been rebuilt. Just no power to your choke.
So what does your truck run like?
How well does it start?
What's your timing set at?
The truck runs fine to me and runs the same way since I bought it. The truck usually needs to be cranked a few times to get it going on a cold start. Need to give a bit of gas and rev for a bit to get it to idle without turning off. This is only on cold starts. When it is warmed up it turns on fine. Idle is a little rough but nothing that isn't understandable given the age of the truck.
As far as timing I have no clue on what it is set at, I'd need to get a timing light to find out or if there is another way to figure this out let me know.
There is a bit of a smell of gas in the exhaust so I believe that means it is running rich?