I screwed up
I took the throttle body off today and cleaned it up real nice. Started putting it back together....injectors go in and I start screwing the piece that goes on it a little at a time. I would stop and look things over to make sure it was all going back together correctly...thought I was in the clear...then POP! Yup, apparently I wasn't nearly as careful as I thought and one of the injectors were a little off and it popped the bowl. So now I have to try to find a replacement. So far I have not found anything at the local junk yards and e-bay prices seem to be all over the place and all I can find is complete throttle bodies, not just the bowl portion. How much am I looking at here? If the price wasn't too high I wouldn't mind picking up a back up unit, but if I can find just the part I need I can live with that. Any ideas?