Prototype center speaker holder
We are wrapping up a customer truck right now. The customer wanted a stereo really badly. So much so that he showed up with speakers, amp and sub and said make it work
I couldn't find anything on the market that was even close to what I wanted for the center speakers. I also didn't want to drill holes in the dash. I worked up a 3/4 thick clear plastic part. It houses 2 4" JL auto speakers with tweeters built in. I added nutcerts so speakers can be take in and out rather easily. I was able to use adhesive to secure it to the bottom of the dash. The truck can go to the crusher and it wont come off. the truck as every accessory under the sun and its clears everything really well.
I am by no means a stereo guy but this with the kick panel speakers and a 8" sub sounds really really good. I was kind of impressed.
If anyone is interested I can make a few more. I just need to source the adhesive in a smaller container to keep cost and waist down.