Question about re-installing my 235
I have a 1961 Chevy C10 with a 235 and a 4-speed floor shift.
When I removed the engine, I did it with the 4-speed attached. I recall asking if I could remove just the engine and the consensus was they (engine with trans attached) needed to come out as one unit and so it did. The issue was the center of gravity is far back and it was difficult to position it and clear the firewall. I had to remove the top of the transmission to do so. The engine and transmission are overhauled and ready to go back this week. The shop manual states that for service, the trans can be removed and replaced through the floor opening with the engine in place.
So -- who has experience with mounting the engine first (235 original to the truck) and then attaching the transmission after?
Always appreciate the expertise of this group.
Thanks and stay safe all - GPK1961 Frisco Texas