Body Mount Replacement Questions and Exhaust systems
I need to replace my body mounts on my 72 Blazer. Can anyone give me any pointers or pictures of the mounts being changed. I do have access to a lift and various floor jacks. Also, I am going to need to replace a couple of the bolts that are bent. Does anyone know if new nuts and bolts come with the Prothane body mount sets, or if there is a different brand that has nuts and bolts? If not, does anyone know what size the bolts are and where I can order the bolts? I live in Japan and can't run down to the hardware store and pick up SAE bolts. I also need a complete exhaust system. Does anyone know of a place that can make one so that it can go through the U.S. mail. I have access to welding equipment, so installing will not be a problem--I just need to get it here.--Thanks everyone this is a great board.