bold on exhaust and original seat sholder belt conversion?
Looking to throw a new exhaust on my '72 Jimmy (350 4WD stock), and not afraid to do it myself as long as it doesn't involve a ton of welding. I've only really found the generic and magnaflow (welding intensive) kits in LMC, but not much else. Has anyone else found other pre-bent kits out there for the Blazers/Jimmys that are worth anything? Found some old threads on the generic with mixed results. I heard edelbrock had a kit, but can't find it. Just wondering if I should spend the extra $150-200 to have a custom job done. The previous owner hacked something together with differnet pipes and too many clamps to comprehend. It's actually running so close to the transmission that it's touching the spedometer cable and snapped the inner cable... so had to drive it home 900 miles with no speedo.
Shoulder belts:
Anyone ever seen the original seats converted to hold shoulder belts or a 4 point harness (I'd love to see pictures)? I've seen a couple people switch out the seats all together, but looking to maintain the original look. Also, when re-doing the seats, what's the best material if you're going to go topless most of the time?