Re: 56 step side on 07 trailblazer chassis
oh ya, forgot to mention. are you going to punch some holes in the cross piece where the hood latch is so the air flow will still get to the rad? or will there be enough airflow there from underside? it has been awhile since I had mine apart so can't remember what it looks like up front there. wouldn't want to see you overheating.
the project looks awesome so far and thanks for posting all the pics. it is incentive for the rest of us. good idea with the air filter, it looks cool. are you planning on using the firewall part from the envoy where the master cylinder bolts on? re inforce the old dash to handle the weight and push from the brake pedal? mount the master under the dash like original?
hey ricott, good to see you back at it. will you have tire interference issues? your truck looks good at that height, don't you think?