Gone Fishing, and then...
It was my birthday on Monday and I decided to load my friends jon boat in the old truck and head out to a little fishing hole. It was a great day even though the fish weren't biting. Snapped a couple of quick pics including one with the truck on the boat launch.
Later that night, I pulled the boat out of the back of the truck and headed for a local cruise night that I rarely get a chance to go to. The truck was still really clean from a car show I didn't go to on a rainy night. It is a pretty small cruise night compared to other towns and I arrived about 20 minutes before it started. I got a spot right up front, parked and took a seat on the tail gate. About 10 minutes later I was approached by event staff explaining that I'd have to move because the spot was for vehicles that were a part of the cruise night. I explained the truck was there for the cruise night and the man responded with "Really?!?!". I mean I know my truck isn't the prettiest, but I was dumbfounded (BTW, I didn't leave the spot).
I guess some people still see this things as old trucks... Anyone else ever have an experience like this?