Originally Posted by Kalums
There was some serious finger crossing and praying. My first suggestion, grade 8 bolt to hold on the dipstick is a no go, the head is too "tall", go with a grade 5. Second suggestion make sure you put rtv on the shaft where it goes into the block AFTER you dry fit it a few times and before you secure the manifolds and dipstick in place. Also you have to kinda do both at the same time(bolting down the dipstick and putting in a few of the manifold bolts) ... It is a hassle but it works. And finally good luck.
Good to know about the RTV on the Dipstick/Engine connection. Last time I had my headers off, the Dipstick was not connected right. [It was held onto a plugwire separator with baling wire.]
Since the Starter on the 350 in my '71 Jimmy burned out after only 16 years, and I have to pull the Passenger Side header to get at it, It's time to do the Dipstick right. On my 1998 crate motor, I had the option to mount the Dipstick on either side. I chose Right since its less crowded there, and its on the right on my 292 in the other truck.
And in true Mission Creep style, I'm going to have the headers sandblasted and painted since they're coming off anyway.