Originally Posted by Hoss72
Well it is home..... Now that I have it the questions are numerious, I filled it up with gas and when it was full I looked back and there was a 1/4" hose coming out of the top of the tank and it was spewing gas everywhere so I stuffed a screw in it ....I have no idea where it is suppose to go any ideas. I did find out it is a 71 not a 72 is there much difference between the two?
The hose is most likely your vent hose. There should be one on each side of the tank. If the other one is plugged, and you've added a screw to that one, you might end up pulling a vacuum on your tank as the fuel is pumped out. If you end up having difficulty starting it, try pulling off the gas cap.
That hose should tee in with the hose from the other side and go up to your charcoal filter located by your battery tray (If you're thinking about making it normal). I'm kinda suprised it's a 1/4" hose though. I think mine is 3/8".