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Old 06-25-2005, 10:31 PM   #1
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why was my thread deleted?

wheres my thread about my 86 four wheel drive?

what the heck was wrong with my add???? why was it deleted?...its not in the for sale area, and its not here where i put it

whats up?....i never said anything wrong in my add...i know the rules

1987 350 TBI lowered 5/7
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Old 06-25-2005, 11:24 PM   #2
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i know what your going thru i posted one on the 87 lwb and they did the same thing to me
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Old 06-25-2005, 11:49 PM   #3
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If it was a whole truck, more than likely it was moved to the trucks for sale section. This section is for parts only.
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Old 06-25-2005, 11:54 PM   #4
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Scooty, found your the island of misfits. This is where the admins put all threads that are placed in the wrong forum.

bigarmzz, I can't find yours anywhere

Last edited by bigblock73; 06-25-2005 at 11:56 PM.
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Old 06-26-2005, 01:28 AM   #5
Catchy title goes here..
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your post

Isand of misfit posts
This is where all posts posted in the incorrect forum will land. If you're missing a post, look here!
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Old 06-26-2005, 05:16 AM   #6
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i cant for the life of me, figure out why my post ended up in the "island of misfit posts"????

maybe, just maybe...i could see moving it to the trucks for sale board...but why in the world "the island of misfit posts"...?????

my thread was what i thought very straight forward

sometimes i just dont get this place

who the heck makes the determination that "my" truck and several of the others there arent "good enough" for the parts forum anyway?

there's several adds there, that are just simply trucks for sale....why are they all there????

maybe i'm old and stupid..i just dont get it
1987 350 TBI lowered 5/7

Last edited by bigarmzz; 06-26-2005 at 05:21 AM.
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Old 06-26-2005, 12:25 PM   #7
Catchy title goes here..
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any post that is posted in the wrong forum goes here... doesn't matter if its mine yours n2trux etc.. its a central location for all misposts not a popularity contest.... with 1500+ new posts a day theres only so much we can do. Trucks for sale go on trucks for sale, parts for sale go on parts for sale. I understand why you listed it where you did and why the mod who moved it did. Are you willing to part the truck out? or are you selling it whole? Personally I would redo the post on 73-87 trucks for sale then do a "different" post on the 73-87 message board telling them how you bought the truck wanted to redo it found the rust in the frame and blah blah blah blah ( work around it..) now i am selling it blah blah blah look at the pics of rust on the 73-87 trucks for sale area blah blah blah.... I shouldnt even be saying that here but I never had an issue with you nor do I plan to. If you had PMd me or one of the other Admins it woulda been alot easier then a wtf post also
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Old 06-26-2005, 12:27 PM   #8
Catchy title goes here..
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Originally Posted by bigarmzz

maybe i'm old and stupid..i just dont get it

oh damn now its on................ your frikin younger then me... OLD???????????????????????????????????????????????????????? WTF
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Old 06-26-2005, 12:34 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by bigarmzz
i cant for the life of me, figure out why my post ended up in the "island of misfit posts"????

maybe, just maybe...i could see moving it to the trucks for sale board...but why in the world "the island of misfit posts"...?????

my thread was what i thought very straight forward

sometimes i just dont get this place

who the heck makes the determination that "my" truck and several of the others there arent "good enough" for the parts forum anyway?

there's several adds there, that are just simply trucks for sale....why are they all there????

maybe i'm old and stupid..i just dont get it
Your post was misplaced, so at our moderators discretion it was moved to the misfit posts forum. This is the only way we were/are able to keep people form spamming the wrong boards with improper posts. Feel free to delete it and repost it on the proper forum.

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Old 07-01-2005, 02:38 AM   #10
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hey fellas if your post about your truck is gone hound me , cuss me do whatever you want ect , it just shows you still havnt read the rules of posting , newbies get theirs moved to the trucks for sale area , if you been here over a year thats plenty of time and you shoudl have read em by now , so if ya dont like it pm me and pi$$ and moan to me , not josh and liz because more than likley im the one that $hit canned your post , read the rules , thats all ya goota do , ya wanna flip through 90 pages of trucks lookin for a fricken intake or would you rather go to the parts are , better chance your gonna find it there , so dont clutter up the parts areas with ttrucks and vice versa , simple just dont do it , there is a small handful of mods and like 5 with the power to movein each forum , others are assighned to crtain areas , now fastly approaching 18,000 members ,, you do the math on how tough it is to keep all this stuff in line , just do us a favor quit whining , read the rules and follow em , i cant be any plainer than that ,
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Old 07-01-2005, 03:32 AM   #11
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ok i have to say something here...hate me, ban me, whatever. but i think it the last reply in this post was very rude. i understand there is alot of stuff to go through, but bigarmzz stated in his post why he had listed the truck under parts instead of under trucks for sale. btw i helped a friend of mine go get that truck and drove it about two and a half hours home. i just think you should know that bigarmzz is a first rate guy and doesnt deserve the hard time(IMO) that you gave him about his post being where it was.
again if i crossed a line and am gonna get canned, sorry, but i gotta say whats on my mind.
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Old 07-01-2005, 10:54 AM   #12
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so josh and liz are not first rate people ? and they did desereve a hard time ? hey im sorry if it upsets him i never said he was a bad guy , since his truck drove 2 and a half hours thats even more of a reason it should have been in trucks for sale , i sold a 79 vrew cab 1 ton 4wd that looked pretty rough , and had crap tires on it , that guy drove it home 10 hours to atlanta , does that mean i should get to post it in a few extra froums ? im not flaming anyone here , just getting tired of people not reading the rules and then wondering where their post went
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Old 07-02-2005, 02:14 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by MAC67
so josh and liz are not first rate people ? Did i say that??
and they did desereve a hard time ?I didnt think they got a hard time
hey im sorry if it upsets him i never said he was a bad guy I doubt that you upset him man, I posted for my own reasons, like i said it seemed rude to me...
since his truck drove 2 and a half hours thats even more of a reason it should have been in trucks for sale I believe he was just being honest about the condition of the vehicle, maybe to most people something like that truck is just a parts truck but to me its acceptable transportation
i sold a 79 vrew cab 1 ton 4wd that looked pretty rough , and had crap tires on it , that guy drove it home 10 hours to atlanta , does that mean i should get to post it in a few extra froums This truck was never posted in "extra" forums...
im not flaming anyone here , just getting tired of people not reading the rules and then wondering where their post went I also am not trying to flame, was just hoping that you might re-read your post and see it to be maybe alittle over the top?
Again these are my views and no one elses, so please dont see this as anything except my own personal opinion
1982 GMC Sierra Classic 1500 Longbed
350, TH350, 3.73 10 bolt
soon to be slammed

Last edited by mudgutsandglory; 07-02-2005 at 02:23 AM.
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Old 07-02-2005, 01:22 PM   #14
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deal with 15 other guys like you that pi$$ and moan over this kinda of crap everday and you may get alittle over the top also , your right you never said they were not upstanding people , but you did say big was and dint deserve "this" . well nobody got rough on him at all he got the same cristisism as j and liz , so its ok to get on their butts and not his ?

"READ THE RULES BEFORE YOU POST " seriously its plain and simple , just do it !! stop crying about stuff like this , it would make keeping the forums clean a helluva lot easier , and dont worry im not holding big responsible for anything that you spit out lol , ive seen hisposts and have always thought he was a good member , but it just gets old dealing with these posts like this all the time , it could all be fixed if people would just post in the correct forums , im gonna go ahaead and lok this one up tight so nobody else spits out anything in a heated moment that they really dont mean
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