8' stepside bed box sides
I have a pair of 8' boxsides for a stepside bed sitting in the basement left over from a project truck thats sitting in the weeds... doubt I'll be doing anything with it anytime soon. Came off a 55k mile '74 3/4ton, was a plow truck since new. They have your normal dings in the inside from use as a truck well as on the top rails, some minor rust here and there. Because of all this I think pictures are basically worthless and they should be seen in person/local pickup, not shipped (never mind size/weight considerations). For the sake of board rules we'll set an arbitrary price of $250/bo for the pair - whens the last time you saw a set of these still surviving in new england anyways? Throw me a ballpark offer of what they might be worth to someone who can come to VT and get em before I go nuts and have a bodyshop restore them