Re: Just need to vent a bit!
All resolved! I went around the corner and their was the same truck from last night. So I went inside and asked the lady incharge whos truck that was and she said the owners and went and got him. When he came out he did not look like the person from last night and when I told him what happened he looked really shocked! The the kid at the register came over (the owners son) and talked to his dad in spanish and his dad looked pissed. He asked to come over and see the truck and his son said that yes he did it and was sorry for not saying anything. The father then said to get it fixed and his son would pay for the damage. I then scolded the kid and told him if he had only been honest and came up and told me what happened instead of leaving I probaly would have told him not to worry about it and I would have just fixed it. But now I was pissed and wanted it fixed! I figure about $200 for a new one from ECE with shipping.
Thanks for letting me vent. Please keep in mind that honesty is always the best way to go. In this case the kid has to pay for it anyways and now he also has to deal with his dad and see me each time I go in thier!
LFD Inc.