Originally Posted by Rokcrln
We were sitting in the living room watching TV and I heard my cat at the door wanting in and then I heard a louder BANG! I get up and turn on the portch light and see a guy getting out of his truck and he looks at his bumper and gets back in his truck. Did I mention that his truck is backed up with in 4' of my new project "Low buck truck build". He then pulls back into the buisness driveway next to my house as I walk out to look at the back of my truck. When I get out their it is dark but I see that my rear bumper is bowed in just a bit and right in the center their is a sharp crease that was not their last week when the bumper went on. So as I start to walk over to the driveway to see what happened the guy pulls out and takes off. I am preaty sure it is one of the regular guys that works their so I wil be paying his Boss a vistit in the morning.
How can people be such an  hole! You know if he would have just told me what happened I probly would have told him no big deal and left it at that but now that chance is up. The bumper was not perfect but damb close to it. I have been moving this thing around for the last 7yrs and I finaly pull it out of the parts attic and install it and then this happens.
What would you have done? Has this ever happened to you?
LFD Inc.
"How can people be such an

hole! You know if he would have just told me what happened I probly would have told him no big deal and left it at that but now that chance is up. "
Good attitude, I feel the same way. It's not so much the expense as the thought and inconsideration!