67 6 lug front disc brakes
Hello,again I have questions about disc brake conversions.I recently found an 88 c1500 parts truck.No engine/trans but everything else is there.Complete
front suspension including m/c,prop valve,lines.So now I change 88 5 lug rotors to 88 6 lug rotors?Do any of the other brake parts from the donor
truck,m/c,prop valve,lines work in this swap? Or should I go with 87/earlier
setup for the m/c,etc?In all honesty,I can be happy w/non power discs as this has to be better than stock drums.The 88 donor truck will be cut up,yep,
CUT UP before getting scrapped.
Im trying to gather info/ parts as needed for this swap for later on.Too cold now, no garage.Thanks for any replies. Long live my 292! Muley