Originally Posted by piecesparts
What does this motor have on it for a carb? Is the distributor still controlled by the computer, or has it been replaced with an HEI? (I suggest an HEI upgrade with your intake change). Does the local SMOGGIES require you to be a good citizen---or can you make such changes and get away with it?
After a quick check, it appears i have the original rochester quadrajet. the id number is 17084226. there's a number on the bottom that to the best i can read, 2223 HOD. not sure what the second number is. i don't believe it is a computer controller distributor. it's the stock distributor which i believe is an HEI. i plan on upgrading the ignition later, but you think i should do it at the same time? i still have to have a visual emissions inspection, but they don't run it past the sniffer. they only require it for 2-24 years. anyway, here's a pic of the dizzy.