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Old 05-01-2008, 02:04 AM   #1
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Re: Post Your Ride 88-98 Trucks

Originally Posted by Matt Mann View Post
Not too sure if it's 700R4 or 4L60e, bought it 2/08, from a local dealer here in SC...
Should be a 700R4. 4L60's were later, 1993 in C/K pickups, I believe.

Originally Posted by Matt Mann View Post
dual exhaust... been told a true dual exaust isnt possible for this truck even if I replace both cats... hope that's not true.
I don't understand what they mean by saying true duals isn't possible. Either they're dumb or smokin too much hoobeedoo. I'm not familiar if your state has emissions tests (speaking for myself, I don't know what emissions are. Sounds like some dumb democratic bulls**t to me, hah. I live in North Dakota, come on now) But if you want to take out the cat and run true duals, do it. There's no reason you can't.

Originally Posted by Matt Man View Post
Engine has that usual puff of smoke on cold start up... doesn't seem to be using that much oil... I am watching it, but it never seems to really lose that much between oil changes..

Do I rebuild the engine, and tranny, pull both and replace them or just do a top end kit with a new TBI, injectors, chip, and heads?
Puff of blue smoke just when you fire it up? It's caused by oil dripping down your valves when the engines off. Oil will actually seep down the sides of your valves and sit on top of them, until you spin your motor up in the mornin, and that oil gets sucked in and burned for about the first few seconds of running. The way the oil gets in there? Could be valve stem seals, letting oil through your valve guides when you shut the motor off. Easy enough fix.

Originally Posted by Matt Mann View Post
Has anyone tried to install an antenna on the roof of this thing? I asked the dealer to install a NMO mount 2 meter/440 antenna, and he told me a roof mount antenna wasn't possible because of the ribbing in the roof, GM's have to reinforce the cab in the case of a roll over...

Has anyone else put an extra radio in this era truck, and where did you put the antenna?
I mounted my CB whips on brackets screwed to the side of my toolbox, although you could do them without a toolbox on the inside of your box, or in the stakepockets somehow, or elsewhere. If you're deadset on putting it on the roof, and hard mounting it, it'd be a little more work on yours. My truck, for instance, has a small hole with a rubber plug insert on the roof, a couple of inches in front of the third brake light. I've seen people put a cb antenna there. As for yours, you could drill a hole there, or if you don't want to do that, mount one or two inside your box, or even just on on a small bracket dead center of your box, on the front headboard there.

And by the way, nice truck. Reminds me of my buddy's, he has a white 91 Chevy shorty stepside 4x4, 2" lift, 32" tires, white with blue racing stripes. Shortbox stepside 4x4s can look goofy, or they can look nice, in my opinion. I've seen some goofy looking ones, but around here, I've also seen some very killer good lookin ones. You have a good start for a truck.

And believe me, it goes with my 67-72's, and especially my 97. They can get expensive (as soon as my lift gets here, I'll have over 17,000 into it, in two years, with another 3 to 5 grand going into it right after. Nothing real custom done to it, just addons and repairs and misc stuff) but I'm never done. I'm always thinkin of stuff to do. Maybe that's why I'm not rich and famous yet So good luck and have fun with it!

1997 K1500 Z71, 14 bolt SF 3.73 posi, Bright Blue Metallic. 6" Superlift
1972 C-10, toolbox, p/s, 350/TH350/3.73 open, black int., bronze
2008 Dodge MegaCab. H&S tuned 6.7 Cummins. Fast Four Tons

Some of my pics
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Old 05-01-2008, 06:54 AM   #2
Matt Mann
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Re: Post Your Ride 88-98 Trucks

Originally Posted by 69-350 View Post
I don't understand what they mean by saying true duals isn't possible. Either they're dumb or smokin too much hoobeedoo. I'm not familiar if your state has emissions tests.
well, that came from summit racing when I called to order headers and a dual exhaust. I never did get the parts, but I did get a nice but unwanted debate on the legalities of removing a OEM exhaust.

As for emissions, the truck itself is bone stock with the single exhaust and one cat. I don't have a problem with running dual cats... SC has no emissions testing as part of a licencing, however, should I decide to return to Ohio, they may require an emissions check depending on the county, but that's 3 yrs away at the least.

Just smokes me that I can't modify a truck I own, using off the shelf parts when the locals couldn't care less.

Originally Posted by 69-350 View Post
Puff of blue smoke just when you fire it up? It's caused by oil dripping down your valves when the engines off. Oil will actually seep down the sides of your valves and sit on top of them, until you spin your motor up in the mornin, and that oil gets sucked in and burned for about the first few seconds of running. The way the oil gets in there? Could be valve stem seals, letting oil through your valve guides when you shut the motor off. Easy enough fix.
That's what I figgered, although I was trying to decide whether to just replace the top end, with something like an Edlebrock performer kit, or just spring for a crate ZZ383, or just have the whole engine rebult.

Originally Posted by 69-350 View Post
I mounted my CB whips on brackets screwed to the side of my toolbox, although you could do them without a toolbox on the inside of your box, or in the stakepockets somehow, or elsewhere. If you're deadset on putting it on the roof, and hard mounting it, it'd be a little more work on yours. My truck, for instance, has a small hole with a rubber plug insert on the roof, a couple of inches in front of the third brake light. I've seen people put a cb antenna there. As for yours, you could drill a hole there, or if you don't want to do that, mount one or two inside your box, or even just on on a small bracket dead center of your box, on the front headboard there.
Well, take another look at the pics... no third brake lamp, but, it would seem given those directions it would land directly above where the interior dome light is... I am installing a tonneau cover so stake pockets are out, no tool box so that's out, and this antenna isn't available with mirror mount, (Comet UHM-4) I was really hoping to mount on the roof just for simplicity, but I'll keep looking... I did find a fender mount bracket, and the mechanic and I will be looking more closely at that the next chance we get...

Originally Posted by 69-350 View Post
And by the way, nice truck.
Thanks for the kind words Mark, I appreciate your reply, and I'll keep working at it...I plan on keeping this truck at least another 3 years or 100,000 miles...

Stay Tuned...


Last edited by Matt Mann; 05-01-2008 at 06:54 AM.
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Old 05-02-2008, 03:03 AM   #3
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Re: Post Your Ride 88-98 Trucks

Heres my truck its a 99 2door 2wd: k&n fipk, borla catback, accel wires, 2.5 drop in the rear

Last edited by toplesskayfiver; 05-02-2008 at 03:15 AM.
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Old 05-02-2008, 06:03 AM   #4
Matt Mann
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Re: Post Your Ride 88-98 Trucks


That drop makes the truck I think.... I never liked how the ass rides so high on some trucks... I'd like to do a 2/4 drop on mine... I dont want it in the weeds, but i at least want it level... really nice ride you got...
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Old 05-02-2008, 07:25 AM   #5
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Re: Post Your Ride 88-98 Trucks

Originally Posted by Matt Mann View Post
well, that came from summit racing when I called to order headers and a dual exhaust. I never did get the parts, but I did get a nice but unwanted debate on the legalities of removing a OEM exhaust.

As for emissions, the truck itself is bone stock with the single exhaust and one cat. I don't have a problem with running dual cats... SC has no emissions testing as part of a licencing, however, should I decide to return to Ohio, they may require an emissions check depending on the county, but that's 3 yrs away at the least.

Just smokes me that I can't modify a truck I own, using off the shelf parts when the locals couldn't care less.

That's what I figgered, although I was trying to decide whether to just replace the top end, with something like an Edlebrock performer kit, or just spring for a crate ZZ383, or just have the whole engine rebult.

Well, take another look at the pics... no third brake lamp, but, it would seem given those directions it would land directly above where the interior dome light is... I am installing a tonneau cover so stake pockets are out, no tool box so that's out, and this antenna isn't available with mirror mount, (Comet UHM-4) I was really hoping to mount on the roof just for simplicity, but I'll keep looking... I did find a fender mount bracket, and the mechanic and I will be looking more closely at that the next chance we get...

Thanks for the kind words Mark, I appreciate your reply, and I'll keep working at it...I plan on keeping this truck at least another 3 years or 100,000 miles...

Stay Tuned...

Hah, legalities mean nothing to me. My truck is illegal with lift, tires, blue blinkers, and especially with exhaust. There's no reason you can't run the exhaust the way you want. Cats or no cats, take the one you have out, cut the exhaust before it bends over on the drivers side, make a straight pipe out of that, and to the back of your pickup, with 45's, 90's, or straight out the back or however you want to do it (most trucks around here run 45's, closely followed with 90's, and the occassional few, like mine, with straight out the back. I hate "me-too" stuff) and with whatever in the middle for sound deadening. Who cares what they say; afterall, it's your truck, they shouldn't try and stop you any.

As for the CB, you may just have to run a fender mounted one. In my opinion, they look goofy. But so do roof mounted ones to me, I guess I'm just more of a symmetry kinda guy. That's why I opted for two of the black fiberglass whips, not twin thin thirty yard tall whips that break FAA regulations.

As for the top end, it's all up to you. Depends on how willing you are to spend money. You could try just new valve stem seals, see if that works, if not, just order up some Edelbrock stuff! hah.

By the way, check out the link in my signature, my photobucket with some pictures of my stuff. That and you can see pics of the 97 when I had the whips on there, and how I ran mine. And all the other stuff. Now, I'm just waiting for my lift kit to get in (back ordered for gods sake, I should be rippin a pair of jeans every day gettin in it by now! ) then I'll be back in the yard takin pictures again. Hah. Good luck with your stuff.

1997 K1500 Z71, 14 bolt SF 3.73 posi, Bright Blue Metallic. 6" Superlift
1972 C-10, toolbox, p/s, 350/TH350/3.73 open, black int., bronze
2008 Dodge MegaCab. H&S tuned 6.7 Cummins. Fast Four Tons

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Old 06-01-2008, 07:25 PM   #6
Matt Mann
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Re: Post Your Ride 88-98 Trucks

Originally Posted by Matt Mann View Post
Thanks for the kind words Mark, I appreciate your reply, and I'll keep working at it...I plan on keeping this truck at least another 3 years or 100,000 miles...

Stay Tuned...


Took another small step on the truck, we've nicknamed "Ethel" and got the head liamps replaced with Silverstars, new headlight buckets, parking lamp assemblies, amber OEM bulbs (1157NA) and a tonneau cover. The bulbs came from Vatozone, the tonneau cover, the headlight buckets and parking light assemblies came from Stylin' Concepts.

Take a look, I think it looks TONS better!
Attached Images

Last edited by Matt Mann; 06-02-2008 at 09:58 PM.
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Old 06-02-2008, 06:36 PM   #7
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Re: Post Your Ride 88-98 Trucks

Originally Posted by Matt Mann View Post

Took another small step on the truck, we've nicknamed "Ethel" and got the head liamps replaced with Silverstars, new headlight buckets, parking lamp assemblies, amber OEM bulbs (1157NA) and a tonneau cover.

Take a look, I think it looks TONS better!
lookin better! I think taillights should be in the future. Get the right taillights (preferably not the euro style chrome ones that everyone and their dog has) and throw some nice 16" rims on there, she's be two steps towards a sharper truck. Mine's in that direction, after I get the lift in (IF I ever get it in, jeeeze, I've been waitin over a month now, still aint got the wheels, shops still too busy. soon though.) and get my axles taken care of (gears, electric lockers, etc) and then finally get a winch bumper on, probably Tough Country product, Deluxe front replacement bumper.

On a truck...
The bumper itself...

I really like that bumper, and for 1300 bucks, it ain't too spendy (unlike the road armors, sheesh they're high dollar pieces of iron)

Pretty soon I'll have some pics up of my truck, when it's all lifted with the wheels and tires. Can't wait!

1997 K1500 Z71, 14 bolt SF 3.73 posi, Bright Blue Metallic. 6" Superlift
1972 C-10, toolbox, p/s, 350/TH350/3.73 open, black int., bronze
2008 Dodge MegaCab. H&S tuned 6.7 Cummins. Fast Four Tons

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Old 06-12-2008, 12:04 PM   #8
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Re: Post Your Ride 88-98 Trucks

Heres my new toy!!

Its a 93 Suburban Bagged and body dropped with a 2000 Caddy clip. The interior is a mess for now. we are doing a custom console and enclosure to cover the notch cover. It lays rocker on 22's
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Old 06-16-2008, 01:57 AM   #9
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Re: Post Your Ride 88-98 Trucks

Hey guys.. just got her a couple months ago.. havnt been on her for awhile so i figured now was a good time. Here are some pictures from when i got here from where she sat for over a year and a half.. to current. Have lots of plans for her, so im hopping 6 months from now you wont be able to tell that its the same truck. 90 suburban 4x4 1/2ton.. all stock at the moment.. brand new motor dropped in after i bought here built it in my car port lol wasnt a expected build.. guy i bought the burb from said it was running.. and since he was a friend of family thought he wouldnt screw me... we he did.. it ran after 8 hrs on a battery charging cranking away trying to get it to fire.. then to find out the rear main seal was leaking horrible.New motor is 350 w/TBI intake setup with the orig. 700-R4 tranny. Interior(no pictures up yet) looks awesome. No rips in any seats.. all panels still look great.. dash is PERFECT.. no fading.. no cracking.. windshield is perfect. all but one window(pass side back seat) roll up and down no problem. all powerlocks work.. Put 265s 516 Mud Trac tires on for now. Will have a 4" lift soon and will be putting on 35s. No rust at ALL except for the roof and its just exterior..nothing thru.. just need to sand her down and prime. Paid 750 for her.. not too bad if you ask me. Well here she is.. tell me what u think guys..

When i went and got her:

Old motor... wonder if the guy new he had to change oil?

After a little work:

Finally done.. allmost ready to drop in:

Having some fun:

Not too bad:

Little body damage there:
email is

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Old 07-04-2008, 03:46 PM   #10
Matt Mann
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Re: Post Your Ride 88-98 Trucks

Originally Posted by 69-350 View Post
lookin better! I think taillights should be in the future. Get the right taillights (preferably not the euro style chrome ones that everyone and their dog has) and throw some nice 16" rims on there, she's be two steps towards a sharper truck. Mine's in that direction, after I get the lift in (IF I ever get it in, jeeeze, I've been waitin over a month now, still aint got the wheels, shops still too busy. soon though.) and get my axles taken care of (gears, electric lockers, etc) and then finally get a winch bumper on, probably Tough Country product, Deluxe front replacement bumper.

On a truck...
The bumper itself...

I really like that bumper, and for 1300 bucks, it ain't too spendy (unlike the road armors, sheesh they're high dollar pieces of iron)

Pretty soon I'll have some pics up of my truck, when it's all lifted with the wheels and tires. Can't wait!

hey Mark,

Question, I was looking at a 2/4 drop to lower the truck and level it out. Should I still be looking at 16 inch wheels too, or decide on one thing or the other?

Also, how hard would it be to recalibrate the speedometer for the change to 16's???

BTW- this weeks' additions included a performance chip, and a locking gas cap. Nothing really exciting to see, so no pics...

Thanks again for your help,
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Old 07-07-2008, 12:42 AM   #11
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Re: Post Your Ride 88-98 Trucks

Originally Posted by Matt Mann View Post
hey Mark,

Question, I was looking at a 2/4 drop to lower the truck and level it out. Should I still be looking at 16 inch wheels too, or decide on one thing or the other?

Also, how hard would it be to recalibrate the speedometer for the change to 16's???

BTW- this weeks' additions included a performance chip, and a locking gas cap. Nothing really exciting to see, so no pics...

Thanks again for your help,

You shouldn't have to recalibrate the speedo for anything, unless you go with way undersized tires. I've got my 35's on (woot woot!! Time to take pictures this week! Just gotta fix my speed sensor, one of the wires got hard and broke. Bah) Otherwise, my speedos only off by like 5 mph.

Not sure on the speed sensor on the 700R4's. They're on the tailhousing of the t-case on the 4L60's, and I know it controls a lot of functions, such as the speedometer, shiftpoints and actual shifting of 3rd and overdrive, etc. 700R4's I'm not sure how they work precisely, but like on mine, I can use a programmer to recallibrate the speed change for larger gears and tires.

I think the 16" wheels, by the way, would be good. There's a lot of different ones that would look good. One thing you can do if you're very picky like me, is take a side image of your truck, find the right angle, and put it on your computer. Then find an image of a wheel you may like, copy and paste it into your truck's image, out of the way, and cut around the wheel and paste it over your wheels, reducing the size so it's right, etc. I used MS Paint. Hah.

Anyways, check out Eagle Alloy wheels (that's what I went with, the 1372's, chrome with black rim)
American Racing

Truck is a good site for truck accesories, lot of good stuff on there, lots of it. Any other questions, just ask bud.

1997 K1500 Z71, 14 bolt SF 3.73 posi, Bright Blue Metallic. 6" Superlift
1972 C-10, toolbox, p/s, 350/TH350/3.73 open, black int., bronze
2008 Dodge MegaCab. H&S tuned 6.7 Cummins. Fast Four Tons

Some of my pics
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