You could get the trailing arm x-member and trailing arms at any junk yard cheap. Aligning the crossmember wouldn't be hard at all. It would be a simple as measuring from a given point on the doner truck frame back to the rivet hole on the trailing x-member. And transfering the measurement to your truck. A good given point would be a bolt hole in the doner front x-member/or where the upper a-arm bolts up. As long as the doner was the same box length. Not really to hard. Thats what I did to the front of my 4x4 blazer I put a front 2wd crossmember in. Shouldn't be much different. Heck post another topic and ask if anyones done it. I bet someone has.
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1972 2wd Blazer, 350/700R4/3:73 posi, err & Custom L.E.D. inserts! LOL