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Old 02-20-2003, 12:05 PM   #1
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Angry SM 465 chatter/rattle

Back in the summer I had to pull my 465/NP208 from my 83 K20(6.2 Diesel) for a clutch job. I thought while I had it out I'd have the local trans shop go through it and freashen it up. I get it back in and there is a terrible rattle at idle with clutch out. Also makes this noise in Low and reverse. He says (trans shop) I have a gas engine clutch, so I get a Diesel clutch and get him to go back into the trans to be sure all is well. Back in she goes, same rattle/chatter as above. This noise is driving me nuts and the trans shop is pretty much telling me all manual Diesels do this and I should learn to live with it. That is wrong. I have ran it for about 8K miles and it's getting harder to get in and out of 1st gear (not low/granny). It didnt do this before. Hind sight is 20/20. I should have stuck the clutch in and left it at that. The trans was quiet and shifted very well before. Anyone have any ideas? I may tear into it myself if the shop wont fix it, but they may get a call from the BBB. Oh BTW, it's not the shifter. I can take it out and hide it, still rattles internially.

Thanks for any ideas,
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Old 02-20-2003, 05:11 PM   #2
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I'm not expert here but my Dad had a clutch in a 91 Dodge with the Cummins in it go bad and he mentioned a rattle/chatter similar to what you are describing. He mentioned that it was caused by the pilot bearing...don't know if this helps, just thought I'd shed what little knowledge I have on this stuff.
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Old 02-20-2003, 06:48 PM   #3
ready for reassembly
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Why do scumbag, business owners do that???!!!!

They think that by weaselling their way outta fixing the problem that they caused or should've fixed, that they are saving some money, when in reality they will lose business, cuz you're gonna tell everybody you know what a scum-bag he is!!!

I've dealt with people like this in the past too, that's why if there is any way in he!! that I can do it myself, I will, instead of paying someone else to do a half-azzed job!

sorry, just venting a little
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Old 02-21-2003, 01:54 PM   #4
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I put new pilot bearings in both times the clutch came out, no change. It's in the trans, you can feel it under your feet.

Venting permitted. Everybody I know locally knows my trouble with this shop now.

You fellas that have been into these 465's, what do you recomend that I look for when I pull it down? What would make the rattle/chatter? It's an 83 model so most refer to it as the late model, claim that something was changed in the later ones. I've never been into one of these but have done a few old GM 3 speeds (column) in years past.

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Old 02-21-2003, 09:25 PM   #5
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i can tell you what to look for. A NEW TRANS! when you get it out bring it to me and we will find the problem. that is if you can leave it apart for a week or two. i can have that buddy of mine that is real on all standard transmissions look at it. that is if we can't fix it. john c.
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