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Old 12-30-2008, 12:44 PM   #1
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RAT ROD rant

Ok I'm a little frustrated with this whole trend . Now before I get flamed let me explain why. I'm rounding up parts and pieces for our project
everytime I go to look at a parts truck that should be 300-600.00 dollars tops
they call it a RAT ROD and want 1500.-2000. for the pos. just because rats live in it doesn't make it a rat rod. Sorry for the rant , but I can not be the only one running in to this.
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Old 12-30-2008, 01:17 PM   #2
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Re: RAT ROD rant

Don't worry, that FAD will pass just like Mini trucks and JDM Hondas.

The sad part is the number of really nice vehicles that are getting butchered, then discarded when the next fad comes along.
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Old 12-30-2008, 02:33 PM   #3
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Re: RAT ROD rant

There are nice looking rats , like Chiefs, and then there are the "fake" rats, the ones made to look like they are what they are not, with sanded down paint spots , or exposed bare metal with surface rust, tacky.
An old truck brought back to life is cool.
A nice old truck made to look "rat" is not.
Niether is a parts truck that is beeing sold as a rat for more money then it is worth.
1960 Apache long bed fleet L6 250 Clifford intake 2 bbl carb. Langdon cast headers with dual exhaust and bellflower tips. T-5 5 speed, power steering and power disc brakes.

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Old 12-30-2008, 02:51 PM   #4
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Re: RAT ROD rant

I really hate even the term "rat rod"
most so called rat rods are pieces-o-crap that are built to look and be pieces-o-crap....
"rat-rod" and "hack-job" are synonymous in my book.....
I wouldn't put Chief in that category......
I can't wait for the fad to be a thing of the past
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Old 12-30-2008, 02:54 PM   #5
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Re: RAT ROD rant

..yup I agree with "rogue"..that's not what's what has happend in the classic car market some fool happens to watch a rerun of barrett-jackson and thinks just because he has a simmilar car that's unrestored,it's worth a sack of cash.and really has no idea what goes into restoring a classic car/truck or anything else for that matter,and prices it out of reach to most of us classic car/truck lovers,or slaps a rarrle can paint job on a p.o.s. and it and calls it a "rat-rod"and thinks some dumb kid will empty his piggy bank to get it.sorry for stealing your rant I had to vent also.hey this could be a new forum..."rants" hummm tomething to think about.......WHEW....
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Old 12-30-2008, 03:16 PM   #6
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Re: RAT ROD rant

This is funny....its how I came up with my user name long before I found this site. In the 80's we had Prostreet, and then the 90's Probillet(), Protouring, and all this other pro-whatever. I always liked hotrods and so I came up with 'protrash' about 2001......hotrods werent ratty, they were just works in progress that were going to be finished.

For the record, I hate the term 'ratrod'.
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Old 12-30-2008, 03:28 PM   #7
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Re: RAT ROD rant

Thanks for the replys atleast I know I'm not alone on this.
Its easier to beg for forgiveness than ask permission.
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Old 12-30-2008, 03:28 PM   #8
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Re: RAT ROD rant

Originally Posted by joe231 View Post

I really hate even the term "rat rod"
most so called rat rods are pieces-o-crap that are built to look and be pieces-o-crap....
"rat-rod" and "hack-job" are synonymous in my book.....
I wouldn't put Chief in that category......
I can't wait for the fad to be a thing of the past
I am in no way putting Chief down . I have seen his truck in person and it is a WELL put togther truck!!!
1960 Apache long bed fleet L6 250 Clifford intake 2 bbl carb. Langdon cast headers with dual exhaust and bellflower tips. T-5 5 speed, power steering and power disc brakes.

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Old 12-30-2008, 06:59 PM   #9
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Re: RAT ROD rant

I think it's the difference between something genuine and something false.

Though the term "rat-rod" is beyond played-out, well-executed traditionally-styled trucks look great, they take a long time and a lot of hard work to build, and--like Chief's truck--the results show in the finished product.

Furthermore, who doesn't love a dusty old truck growling through duals--something that looks like it's been terrorizing the backroads all day? Of course, the rust and the dust should be a natural part of the truck's history--not a shop-engineered finish. Trucks that look driven are always cool. Though it's far from rusty, I'd bet Chief drives the wheels off his!

And then there's the rusty junk with rattle-can rebuilds. These just look fake. Case in point: There's a beat-up 'eighties S-10 running around Portland, spray-bomb black (painted right over the plastic fender script), flakey red wheels, white wall inserts... And the dude who drives it has the whole greaser look going... What a joke!

Garbage like that gives nostalgia-builds a bad name.

Last edited by Oregoon; 12-30-2008 at 07:04 PM.
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Old 12-30-2008, 07:19 PM   #10
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Re: RAT ROD rant

im the kind of guy yall are ranting about. im the rattle-can restorer.. i dont know jack about bodywork.. so i just smooth it up and paint over it.. but i dont feel im a problem to the hotrodding world... i respect a perfectly restored truck just as much as the other guy.. but i like the idea of a REAL USED pickup, that hauls... and hauls a**.. ya know... . lol.. i can understand your frustration.. especially since ive been through the whole "rat rod project.. lets bump up the price'' i cant find anything for a decent price anymore... but thats not "our" fault.. hate the people out there that are just chasing that extra dollar... they are the ones to blame
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Old 12-30-2008, 07:27 PM   #11
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Re: RAT ROD rant

I agree with everything said... nothing is more annoying than someone taking a nice truck with a decent glossy paint job and doing the faux paint or throwing a can of JD blitz black on it. It's extremely annoying to someone like me, who would love to have a nice glossy paint job, but can't due to budget constraints.
Like everyone else here, especially those also on the HAMB, I cringe when I hear that r-word... even worse when it's some idiot at the gas station referring to your truck.
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Old 12-30-2008, 07:33 PM   #12
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Re: RAT ROD rant

no dolphman.. I think it is more the "band wagon" people
type rat rod into ebay and do a search, you will get almost everything but the kitchen sink.
the complaint is that now everything that is rusty,unfinished,primer or flat black, gets labeled a rat rod, or rat rod material... then they tack on a few extra $$$for using the word in front of you.

not even sure what a true rat rod is anymore... and I am getting to the point that I don't care either.

Last edited by jonzcustomshop; 12-30-2008 at 07:35 PM.
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Old 12-30-2008, 07:50 PM   #13
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Re: RAT ROD rant

Take away the lables and look at whats left, the truck and the owner.

Some are shiney, some are satin, some are works in progress,some are driven dailey, and some are garaged show cars. All are unique and reflect the individuals style, and should be respected as such. I may not personally like a certain type of truck, but I sure can appreciate the soul put in...

Shoot, there are young kids out there with 80's honda civics, ugly as I'll get out, but they love those cars and spend all their time and $$ learning and dreaming...

Just my 2 cents

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Old 12-30-2008, 07:53 PM   #14
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Re: RAT ROD rant

Originally Posted by jonzcustomshop View Post
no dolphman.. I think it is more the "band wagon" people
type rat rod into ebay and do a search, you will get almost everything but the kitchen sink.
The complaint is that now everything that is rusty,unfinished,primer or flat black, gets labeled a rat rod, or rat rod material... Then they tack on a few extra $$$for using the word in front of you.

Not even sure what a true rat rod is anymore... And i am getting to the point that i don't care either.
1960 Apache long bed fleet L6 250 Clifford intake 2 bbl carb. Langdon cast headers with dual exhaust and bellflower tips. T-5 5 speed, power steering and power disc brakes.

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Old 12-30-2008, 08:01 PM   #15
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Re: RAT ROD rant

I hate that term! I tell people that i am collecting parts for my hot rod and the first thing out there mouth is oh your building a rat rod? UGH !!!! Then my little brother and i are with some of his friends and he tells them that his brother builds rat rods. My cars are no show cars but they are no rat rods either!

I hear you on the part thing you slap rat rod on it and its gold! That's why i cant find old valve covers for my truck under 200 bucks! Just my 2cents!
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Old 12-30-2008, 08:27 PM   #16
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Re: RAT ROD rant

"CHIME" A freind and I spent 2 years building cars for sale and we capitolized on the ratrod bandwagon, as for those who hate the term, good news, it is well on its way out. the so called ratrods have hit a celing and are dropping rapidly in price and desireability, the Calif-kids are going the way of the customs or the gasser direction and this is the next trend.
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Old 12-30-2008, 08:41 PM   #17
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Re: RAT ROD rant

That being said I felt this was not the direction of this thread. It was moving towards the direction of the inflated price because of the term "Ratrod".
Another term that has been forgoten is the haggle or the "sly" as I like to call it. (O.K Hickup , what is the SLY?). Glad you asked. First, if it is forsale the seller wants to sell it! Second ,he/she wants bank for it. Third, if you are looking at it you want it! Easy so far Right? Now for the sly, My tatic. Find a good freind and tell them that you want this vehical. Then you go first and look at the future love of your life. dress in older clothes and get dirty looking on, over, in, under and around the mark, the whole time subtly pointing out every little problem and imperfection while looking very seriously at the new intrest (do not use insults , just point out the obvious). next negotiate, set a price in your head as a celing price, if you get there you win. if not the owner will usually set a bottom dollar price and now you know. next the hard part, walk away. wait a day or two. The owner will stewabout the items pointed out and will usually come down on the price when your freind comes over to negotiate(The SLY). If your price is reasonable and the car/truck is still there this works about 90% of the time. the other 10 % either you step up or wait for the next one -------There will be one!
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Old 12-30-2008, 08:54 PM   #18
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Re: RAT ROD rant

Originally Posted by joe231 View Post

I really hate even the term "rat rod"
most so called rat rods are pieces-o-crap that are built to look and be pieces-o-crap....
"rat-rod" and "hack-job" are synonymous in my book.....
I wouldn't put Chief in that category......
I can't wait for the fad to be a thing of the past
I completely agree. Had a poster of a completely done, but in primer 32 ford and have had 3 or 4 people look at it and tell me "I like that rat rod" and stuff like that. Frustrating for old cars to be labeled in with the cars that are just thrown together.
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Old 12-30-2008, 09:14 PM   #19
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Re: RAT ROD rant

My take is a little different. I happen to think that the whole rat rod craze is great. It has raised the value of old cars and trucks!! I have seen this first hand when I have sold some of my rides. And who does not want there ride to be worth more . Granted my stuff is not a "rat rod" but I do own a rat style ride. Referring the fact I bought it cheap and built it for even cheaper.. and is got great patina. So call it what you will!!!

But for you guys who make fun of the rat rod scene.. What I think needs to be given a hard time or made fun of, if you will. Is the whole stupid retarded "Resto Rod" or "Resto Mod" or just plain ruined ride or what ever kids are calling it these days..These are the guys that used to build cheap hot rods in there day and now pay some retard shop to build there so called "dream car"

Why in the He!! would you paint your truck a purple/flashy blue or what ever dumb color and put 2002 Tahoe leather seats and interior in it.. GO BUY A NEW TRUCK!! If that is what you want.. Quit making me and thousands of others puke at your feeble attempt to build a new truck out of an old truck!!!! We just all got done making fun that of that restro company on here that makes that bolt on 66 kit for the new style chev trucks..

Old cars and trucks, in my option, need to be a cheap, easy way for people to have fun. If some one wants to buy or build a $1500 "Rat rod" and go to there local car show.. Who cares!! Remember some of you were driving your silly little low rider trucks and GTI and blah blah blah 10 years ago.. I know I was one of them. Let the culture live on!! Greasers have been around since most of us on here were born.. If they make a come back for a while so be it.. Soon your kids will be something else and this phase will be gone!!
2003 Chevy Trailblazer LTZ, 2.5" Susp Lift, Tinted, HID's/LED interior/ Lot of upgrades and little mods

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Old 12-30-2008, 09:18 PM   #20
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Re: RAT ROD rant

I thought a rod was generally a car from the 'twenties or 'thirties?

Aren't we building trucks?

As far as labels go, me and my brothers always called 47-87 Detroit pickups "pot-rockets," or "shine wagons," or "crank-trucks," since virtually every disreputable shack in Western Oregon was surrounded by 'fifties, 'sixties and 'seventies pickups in various states of disrepair.

Likewise, many of the runners we saw around us we're piloted by sleazy no-goodnik types, whom my mom was convinced were on drugs.

Last edited by Oregoon; 12-30-2008 at 09:18 PM.
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Old 12-30-2008, 09:28 PM   #21
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Re: RAT ROD rant

This is one of my other trucks , it is suede blue and fenderless as you can see and I would drive it anywhere but it still is labled a Ratrod by the masses, I like to park near the shiny cars at shows because it draws huge attention. I have 1/5 the money in this truck and built it in 61 days starting with just a cab. Cheep quick build call it what you like, I'm having fun. The term dosen't bother me., Either you get it , or you don't!
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Old 12-30-2008, 09:30 PM   #22
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Re: RAT ROD rant

Ratrod is a new term not an old one and cars and trucks fall into this catagory
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Old 12-30-2008, 09:37 PM   #23
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Re: RAT ROD rant

I didn't mean my truck, i am actually collecting parts to build a 50s era hot rod.
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Old 12-30-2008, 09:39 PM   #24
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Re: RAT ROD rant

Here is an article from Wikipedia. I found this to be rather interesting.

Originally a counter-reaction to the 1950s hot rod, a label recently applied to undriven cars and super high priced "customs". The rat rod's beginning was a throwback to the hot rods of the earlier days of hot-rodding, built to the best of the owner's abilities and meant to be driven. Rat rods are meant to loosely imitate in form and function, the "traditional" hot rods of the era. Biker, greaser, rockabilly, and punk culture is often credited as influence that shapes of rat-rodding.

The typical rat rod (an early 1920s through 1950s coupe or roadster): Early (pre-World War II) vehicles often have their fenders, hoods, running boards, and bumpers removed. The bodies are frequently channeled over the frame, and sectioned, or the roofs chopped for a lower profile. Later post-war vehicles are rarely constructed without fenders and are often customized in the fashion of Kustoms, leadsleds, and lowriders. Maltese crosses, skulls, and other accessories are often added. Chopped tops, shaved trim, grills, tail lights, and other miscellaneous body parts are swapped between makes and models. Most, if not all of the work and engineering is done by the owner of the vehicle.

Recently, the term "rat rod" has been used to describe almost any vehicle that appears unfinished or is built simply to be driven.

[edit] General

[edit] Chassis
Frames from older cars or light trucks are preferred for the chassis, because they provide a sturdy base for subsequent alterations. Older cars in poor condition are often advertised as candidates for rat rod conversions.

[edit] Paint and Finish

Typical "rough" finish of Rat Rods.Many Rat Rods appear unfinished with primer paint jobs being common. Other finishes may include “natural patina” (the original paint with rust and blemishes intact), a patchwork of original paint and primer, or bare metal with no finish at all in rusty or oiled varieties. Many rat rods also have free hand pinstriping done by the owners with a pinstriping brush. Contrary to tastes of many car builders, rust is often acceptable and appreciated by a Rat Rodder.

[edit] Interior
Interiors of rat rods vary from fully finished to a spartan, bare bones form. Mexican blankets and bomber seats form the basis of many rat rod interiors. Most are designed to be functional without many comforts although this will vary with the owner’s taste.

[edit] Drive train
Though a variety of engines may be used, the most common are to be found in a Rat Rod are Flathead V8's, early Chrysler Hemi engines, or more modern Small Block V8's from any manufacturer, especially Chevrolet. It is not uncommon to see straight-8s straight-6s, straight-4s, V6s or even diesel engines. These engines may exhibit varying displacements and modifications.

Most Rat Rods are rear wheel drive, with an open driveline. The rear-ends are typically passenger vehicle pieces, as are the transmissions. The Ford Banjo rear-end is popular, as is the "Quickchange" type as used in many early hot rods.

[edit] Suspension
A beam axle is commonly accepted as the only type of front suspension that will look right when exposed without fenders on a vehicle with open front suspension. Independent front suspension is discouraged, Most Rat Rods use a 1928-1948 Ford I beam axle with a transverse leaf spring. Although any solid axle is acceptable, the Ford axle is preferred due to the availability of spare parts.

Springs vary from transverse, parallel and coil setups in the front and rear. Parallel is not seen as frequently as the more common single-spring transverse setup, though both are used commonly. Coil springs are often deemed unsightly without fenders, but are still occasionally seen. Rat rods also will often have airbag suspension which allows the driver to raise and lower the car.

[edit] Criticism
Preservationists believe that modification of any rare surviving historical vehicle should be discouraged. In addition, traditional Hot Rodders criticize Rat Rods as mere imitations or anachronistic.

[edit] Origins
The December 1972 issue of Rod & Custom Magazine was dedicated to the beater, a low-budget alternative to the over-polished, slickly-painted, customized early car. The beater could easily be considered a progenitor of the rat rod. However, owners of these beaters often had a high-dollar machine sitting in their garage: no expensive upholstery, primered if painted at all, no chromed and polished Corvette/Jaguar rear ends.

As with many cultural terms, there are disputes over the origin of the term "rat rod". Some say it first appeared in an article written in Hot Rod Magazine by Gray Baskerville about cars that still sported a coat of primer. Some claim that the first rat rod was owned by artist Robert Williams who had a '32 Ford Roadster that was painted in primer. Although the term likely started out as derogatory or pejorative (and is still used in this way by many), members of the subcultures that build and enjoy these cars have adopted the term in a positive light.

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Old 12-30-2008, 09:45 PM   #25
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Re: RAT ROD rant

Wow, and I thought I was being to wordy,
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