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Old 02-04-2009, 11:14 AM   #1
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dash cluster plug question..

I got the color code for the dash cluster but still confused..

There are 2 fuel wires....both tan....

1 being tan, Fuel gauge
2nd also tan, Fuel Feed

What's what? Do I have to power both??
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Old 02-04-2009, 11:29 AM   #2
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Re: dash cluster plug question..

As I remember it, the fuel feed is 12 volts + in and fuel gauge is 12 volts + out to the sender. The sender is a variable restistor that changes the ground resistance. This is what makes the gauge read a value based on this resistance.

Basically thing of the fuel feed and fuel gauge tan wires as ONE wire with the gas gauge put inline.

DON'T put 12 volts + INTO each wire or you will short out your gauge.

Hope that makes sense.
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Old 02-04-2009, 11:32 AM   #3
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Re: dash cluster plug question..

ok, so if Im putting autometer gauges in.....

do I power the feed and then plug the other into the back of my autometer gauge?

there's also a wire that comes under carpet and plugs into the fuse block??
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Old 02-04-2009, 02:06 PM   #4
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Re: dash cluster plug question..

Most aftermarket gauges have three wires, 12v+, Ground and Sender but sometimes there is no Ground.

In your case, you would need a switched 12v+ which would be one of the tan wires. You'll need a meter or test light to figure out which one. When you find this wire, the other tan wire would be the one to hook to the Sender on the gauge. You might not have a Ground depending on if the dash light is grounded through the case or is stand alone. I have seen both ways.

The wire you have running from the fuel tank just connects into the spot on the fuse block and then routes up to the non powered tan wire. The fuse block just made it easier for the factory to wire things up without having to have one really long wire between the dash and the gas tank. Think of where it connects into the fuse block as a "splice".
1965 C10 Panel, Tiki Express SOLD
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Old 02-05-2009, 09:10 AM   #5
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Re: dash cluster plug question..

Ok, my gauges have a Power, Ground, and Sender...

right now I have a jumper between all my POSITIVE terminals on the gauges, then I have all my GROUNDS jumpered together.....then all my Senders are wired to each unit (water temp, pil pressure, etc). The only one Im having problems with is the gas.....

So does the tan wire go to the sender? One says, Fuel Gauge and one says Fuel Gauge Feed?? Should that be a constant hot wire or a is that what you meant by "switched" (by the key)??

thanks for all your help!

On a happier note, she finally soon as I get these damn wires figured out, Ill get it out of the bay and on the roads for some pictures!
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Old 02-05-2009, 12:46 PM   #6
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Re: dash cluster plug question..

Congrats on getting it started. I know that is always a big deal.

Okay, just to make sure I am following correctly. All the Grounds are connected together and go to a ground. All of the Positive terminals are connected together and they are connect to a switched (by the key) power source. This is what will turn your gauges on and off with the key.

Each gauge has a sender connection which goes to each sender (water to temp sender, oil to oil pressure sender). As for the fuel gauge, the Sender connection would go directly to the gas tank sender. You basically want to find which wire is the one that is connected directly to the gas tank. That is the one you want on the fuel sender connection on the gauge.

Here is a diagram I made up that might help.
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1965 C10 Panel, Tiki Express SOLD
1968 Chevy C10, Long, Fleetside, Hot Rod Hauler SOLD
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Old 02-05-2009, 01:30 PM   #7
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Re: dash cluster plug question..

Okay I have a question (since my dash didn't come with instrumention) On the Volt/Amp Meter what do I hookup the leads on the back of the meter too?
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Old 02-05-2009, 02:00 PM   #8
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Re: dash cluster plug question..

Originally Posted by Tallcountry View Post
Okay I have a question (since my dash didn't come with instrumention) On the Volt/Amp Meter what do I hookup the leads on the back of the meter too?
Do you have a volt meter or an amp meter? They are very different and are wired very differently. The above picture is for a volt meter.
1965 C10 Panel, Tiki Express SOLD
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Old 02-05-2009, 05:00 PM   #9
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Re: dash cluster plug question..

Originally Posted by chevy_mike View Post
Congrats on getting it started. I know that is always a big deal.

Okay, just to make sure I am following correctly. All the Grounds are connected together and go to a ground. All of the Positive terminals are connected together and they are connect to a switched (by the key) power source. This is what will turn your gauges on and off with the key.

Each gauge has a sender connection which goes to each sender (water to temp sender, oil to oil pressure sender). As for the fuel gauge, the Sender connection would go directly to the gas tank sender. You basically want to find which wire is the one that is connected directly to the gas tank. That is the one you want on the fuel sender connection on the gauge.

Here is a diagram I made up that might help.

ok my volt meter has POSITIVE, GROUND, and SENDER. So am Im following right and thinking that , that brown wire that comes under carpet and plugs into front of fuse block go to my gauge?

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Old 02-05-2009, 05:53 PM   #10
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Re: dash cluster plug question..

Originally Posted by DrtyJack75 View Post
ok my volt meter has POSITIVE, GROUND, and SENDER. So am Im following right and thinking that , that brown wire that comes under carpet and plugs into front of fuse block go to my gauge?

Yep, the wire comes under the carpet and plugs into the fuse block. You can either extend that to your gauge or figure out which of the tan wires is the one that connects to that brown wire.

As for the volt meter, I don't think I have seen one that had three connections on it. Normally positive and ground as that is all is needed to read voltage. Very odd. I have seen a third wire but that was for the lighting (sometimes one wire, sometimes two wires).

Good luck.
1965 C10 Panel, Tiki Express SOLD
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