Originally Posted by VA72C10
Looks like that will work well...now when am I gonna get to see this thing on the road???

I keep telling my wife I'm almost done. She said she is sick of me saying that. I'm getting tired of believing it also.
I've been changing out some grade 5 hardware for grade 8 stuff. So yea, I guess I'm just messing around right now.
Great news, I found my exhaust guy. I lost contact with him for awhile. He is awesome. No side dumps for me. At least I hope no side dumps.

Now, if I had a spread bore carb to borrow, I could figure out if my carb is trashed or not...Once I fix that, well, I won't say it, But, I'm almost something. I have 8 rims to sand prime and paint also. Just kinda tinkering around stuff is left. I'll get it there one day.