04-03-2010, 09:50 PM
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Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: Alabama
Posts: 662
Re: 1969 Camaro "Yenko" Clone
Originally Posted by nuke1
After I beat the crap out of the car, it was time for something easy, beadblast some parts!!!! I got about 3/4's done i gave up, enough for today I will finish the rest tomorrow. I started looking at the hood of the car, it is like something blew up underneath it and corroded the metal horribly, I started looking at this one, then my spare one. Well the spare one is beat on the outside, too much mud, and the original is mint, The inside of the spare on is mint and the inside of the original is bad!!!! SO, Guess what I might end up doin. You all take a chance at what I am gonna do, cab you say cut it up a little.
The bead blaster works well. Looks like a battery exploded under hood and splattered acid on it.