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Old 05-21-2003, 02:10 PM   #51
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neighbors suck! My neighbor just put in a sprinkler system on his own. It is a new neighborhood so the lot lines are clearly marked, yet he put the sprinkler heads about 6 inches in my yard. I guess he thought I wouldn't notice.

I just got an estimate on a 6 foot tall wood fence, as soon as I get enough money together it's going up. I plan on doing everything by the book, except for turning the heads to protect my fence from water damage (and to water my lawn). Maybe he'll notice then.

For now he's hiding from me, when he comes home he closes his garage door before he even gets out of the car, wimp!

Could you give me an estimate on a fence for my yard? I've got a fence just like that but I drive it!

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Old 05-21-2003, 03:50 PM   #52
greenhorn male
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Originally posted by c-tenkid
Nope my neighbors don't hate me.I only have one.

My road is an 1/8 mile long dead end.You can make a right and go into a subdivision at first.Past that there is a mobile home then my house.

my neighbor has a 78 ford f-150 with a 400/speed.Sittin on35's.Paid 200 bucks for the truck.Only thing it is used for is to go rootin in the woods behind my house.He told me to do a burnout in my truck one day.he doesn't mind.

I Don't live in the country.I do live on the end of a dead end street though with 6 acres.

Would I have all my stuff and do the things I do in an upscale neighbor hood?Heck no.I would be lowering the property value of other's people's homes and that isn't very nice.But I can do what I want when I want where I live now.

>>>c-tenkid, consider yourself lucky,

Grow up hell I'm only 17!
>>>when I was 17 I thought ripping off the radio antenna off of a police car while he was on his brake time was cool. Now I have to set a good example for my 15 and 19 year old while still trying to enjoy life. I can't do the things I used to do because if they followed it now they'd probably end up dead. Yeah, i'm still young at heart and still like to play, but I set limits now. I used to do whatever, whenever, whithout thought of consequence when I was 17 but only now do I realize someone was paying for my actions. Only now do i realize that while I was playing, other 17 year olds were struggling to put food on the table and others were fighting wars. Yeah, I feel lucky, too. Lucky to have a computer, lucky to to have internet access, lucky to own a truck. Lucky to be alive. Peace c-tenkid. Continue enjoying life.
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Old 05-21-2003, 08:02 PM   #53
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In my defence, My yard has never looked like trash! Here is a pic of what my yard looked like up until a month ago. Since I moved the 68 to the front of the garage and removed the front clip and engine for a rebuild. Yes the I started taking the blue truck apart but, I always cleen up my mess when I am done. My good parts went in the shed and the bad ones in the trailer. I took the cab off 3 days before he called the law and put it in the trailer. So you can see I was getting rid of it.
Who the hell is he anyway! He has a motorhome that is bigger than his house in his driveway, 2 utility trailers and 3 trucks all in his front yard. He parks his trucks on the grass for weeks at a time when he leaves in the motorhome. He dont even have the room for his ****. His son has to park on the street. All 4 of my trucks are always parked in the driveway or on the side of it. I can fit five more trucks on the side without using the street.
That is my plan. I can have as many trucks as I want in the front as long as they are operational. I am going to fill the space between my driveway and our property line with running cars and trucks. There is also a tree that is 9/10ths on my side and he says I cant cut it down. Well I looked into that to this week and the law said that there is nothing in the books that can solve this. He said it is best to come to an agreement with the neigbor but if you can't, cut it down when they are not home. I will cut it down when he goes on a trip in that nice motor home.
Also, I live in the county and not the city.
Greasemonkey- Come and get what you want. I live off of Blue Angle and Soufley Field. Although the parts arn't any good.
Green70-72- I have been meaning to get over that way to see the drag races. If you are into that, maby we can meet over there sometime.
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Mario and Mandy
Hughesville, MD 20637

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Old 05-21-2003, 08:04 PM   #54
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The view of his yard. Oh and the nice motorhome.
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Old 05-21-2003, 08:15 PM   #55
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I had the same problem with my neighbor, he called the county on me.... 1/2 the houses around me have at least 2 or 3 "relics" but since he called about me they had to write me up.... I built a fence to hide some of my stuff, and then the old goat died! No, I didn't do it...
If you want to live in a nice neighborhood then you have to live by the rules, that is why I moved out of town to the county. Now I have found out that most of the zoning laws apply to lots under one acre, wish I would have checked it out more before I moved here, cause mine is only a half acre.....but what the hey, its all paid for! Now I am building more fences because they can only write up what they can see from the street.
Oh, yeah, if my neighbor wants to put up a picture of Michael Jackson I couldn't care less... or if they paint their house purple, or if they want to let their grass grow...... just so they are not noisy at night!!
57 suburban(sitting in the driveway), 2 69 C20 longbeds (sitting in the field ) and a 2003 8.1 Suburban
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Old 05-21-2003, 08:31 PM   #56
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Sorry for all the hassles your having to go thru Mario. Hope something works out soon. It's a real pain when a Hatfields and McCoys situation builds with neighbors.

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Old 05-21-2003, 08:50 PM   #57
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I just got an estimate on a 6 foot tall wood fence, as soon as I get enough money together it's going up.
Do like my uncle did. He went to Lowe's and bought the prefab fence sections with faults like broken boards, discolored boards, etc. He bought more sections than he needed and used boards out of the extra sections to fix the faults. He built his fence for about half what it would have normally cost!
"If it ain't broke, fix it 'til it is!"
Being stupid ain't illegal.

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Old 05-21-2003, 08:53 PM   #58
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I used to live near there on Lavantana across from saufley field, and I will be back down there in Oct for a couple of months.
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Old 05-21-2003, 10:23 PM   #59
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Old 05-21-2003, 11:05 PM   #60
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The tree problem is an easy fix. Cut it 9/10's of the way through on your side and if it falls it falls.
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Old 05-22-2003, 12:33 AM   #61
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I think it is stupid that someone would call the cops just for your trucks sitting there. Also, good idea with the fence and the tree...some would call it sinking to their level, but I call it being a li'l stinker
I'm lucky, we used to have a ton of non op cars in the driveway, but we only have running ones now. But my one neighbor to the north, he has a junkyard in his yard. No joke. His front yard is nice, but behind his house he has a huge garage, and an immobile old Winnebago that he uses as a worskshop or somethin. The grass (brush) is about waist high, and there are junked cars in it. Maybe 10 all told. Nothin good, just dumb cars like stripped ford ranger, and a late 70's chrysler. He owns maybe 10 other operational vehicles (what for? you decide! they are all plated and current on registration. he has a a wife, and 2 kids, both of which are grown and live elsewhere, and he himself only drives a brand new Super Duty). He is a pretty cool guy, but he is weird. We don't talk much. My neighbor to the south is a 120 acre cornfield, they don't mind much. Across the street people have about 12 cars for 4 people, including a formerly nice 80's Monte SS, with LOUD exhaust. It was wrecked, though. But we don't mind. My dad's old International truck ran open manifolds for about 3 years (never street driven though).
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Old 05-22-2003, 12:58 AM   #62
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ok ive read through all these posts and let me say this,, ROCK ON ,,,, THAT IS ONE OF THE ABSOLUTE BEST IDEAS IVE SEEN,, and for these guys that are calling you childish and telling you to get over it and move on,,, we all know these are the guys that call the law on people who have so called EYESORES in theyre yard,,,, i was at a fellas house once who does nothing but builds motors,, he had his race car parked out front and the neighbors called hte police and said they were having a dinner party and didnt want theyre guests to have to look at an OLD car ,, so once the cop left,,LAUGHING i might add,, we waited for all the dinner guests to wander out onto the back deck and go to grilling and enjoying theyre conversation and imported beers,, then we raised the garage door only to reveal to the neighbors the back end of a 500 cubic inch caddy bigblock sitting on a garage floor motor stand that we had rigged up to start motors on the floor,, the lotor hadnt ran for about 3 years,, we dumped tha carb full of gas and went to crankin,,when that thing fired i could hear dogs four towns over barking,, it started puking things that looked like full size cATS out of the headers,, god what a beutiful sound,, and if the noise wasnt enough there was more oil smoke than what the space shuttle leaves behind... cops came back,, but left 5 minutes later,,"laughing" again,,ha ha ha,,,if i were you i would pull the front clip of of one of these trucks and set it right out in the front yard ,, lift the hood and either make a flower planter out of it,,or dig a fire pit under it and turn it into a permanent out door barbecue pit,, that would be sweet
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Old 05-22-2003, 01:04 AM   #63
68 Suburban
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Not judging, just making a comment. I have always tried to have a good repore with my neighbors. I always tried to respect them. That is why I never had any probelms when I use to paint and work on cars in my parents driveway/garage. I always made sure that everything was always cleaned up by the end of the day. This was in a city that was VERY STRICT with ordinance enforcement. Get this, you could not have a pickup parked in yoru driveway over night or it would be ticketed! In Illinois if you had a pickup you had to have "B" plates which are truck plates. In my home town, no trucks were allowed on the street or driveway between the hours of 1am-6am.

My parents always made it very clear to be respectful of my neighbors and I never had a problem.
Just sitting here contemplating contemplation.

Last edited by 68 Suburban; 05-22-2003 at 01:07 AM.
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Old 05-22-2003, 01:08 AM   #64
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oh yeah and if any of you guys think that looks bad,, sitting behind my garage clearly visible from the road is a 58 chevrolet brookwood wagon,,it is a faded sea green on top ,, white in the middle,on 4 flat tires, with bright hugger orange rims,, more rust than 15 fords put together,, its a real peach,, parting it out,, buti really like it there,,lol
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Old 05-22-2003, 01:45 AM   #65
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If ya know some one on the force or some one who knows some one, you can find out WHO. dont like your Lawn Art!
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Old 05-22-2003, 02:09 AM   #66
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i love my neighborhood. in almost every garage in the back is a project car or truck. my gmc sits on my garage slab (no garage). i haven't had a single complaint yet. great place!
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Old 05-22-2003, 02:35 AM   #67
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hey whos to say that isn't your interpetation of art, well I probably wouldn't have parts all over my front yard, but I guess it depends on your neighborhood, I make alot of racked now and then, neighbors have been pretty good to me, but I try to be neat about it.

Last edited by casey; 05-22-2003 at 02:39 AM.
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Old 05-22-2003, 05:05 AM   #68
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500cid cat-belching Caddy. I'm laughing, hell I'm crying! You guys are a bunch of bad influences! I love it. Wornbrakes, you need to have a fence-building party . Get everybody you know who has an old car or truck to load up with wood, hammers, skilsaws, chainsaws, drills, screaming kids, cement mixers, etc. & throw a big one with barbecue & beer & the whole works. Everybody park all over the place in the yard, up & down the street. If I thought my 10-foot-tall 22-foot long red white & blue step-van could make it to Florida I'd come too! I found the local ordinances on the net, and now I know what I can & can't do, & also what my neighbors can't. Seems like most everybody has some kind of violation going on, whether they know it or not. I had another whiner a few years ago, & I found out her added-on carport was illegal. She still has it, but she sure keeps her mouth shut now.
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Old 05-22-2003, 10:37 AM   #69
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sounds like a great idea jimfulco, ill get the green white and orange brookwood running,,figure out a way to make it oil injectcted to keep the skeeters away,,maybe ill even take the rims off and drill some off center lugholes so shell really bounce when we come down the road,,,,,INVITE ME INVITE ME,,HAHAHA
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Old 05-22-2003, 11:06 AM   #70
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I see this is a hot topic.
To all those who feel that your business is telling people what thier yard ought to look like, well, I HATE a nicely mowed yard, I think flowers and matching paint are an eyesore and wreck my property value!!! You'd best get out the plow and start digging up your your NON native grass, and paint your totally un-natural house colors. Cause I dont LIKE it.
Since apparently its okay to dictate what ones OPINION of what looks good onto others, I just think a rusted out 87 Cavalier is precious!!!!
This Orwellian nightmare that has become local ordinances that say you have to conform to others standards is sick and wrong.
While some think that its okay to force others to conform to their own particular tastes, I think its a terrible disgrace that people have decided that my business is their business. I have self exiled myself to a house smack in the center of 30 acres. God forbid the day any jacka55 comes and tells me they dont like the look of anything I own. I am going to remain childish about this till the day I die. I am going to make sure my children remain childish about this till the day they die.
Besides, I have plenty of space to hide bodies.
jku Cornville, Maine

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Old 05-22-2003, 11:24 AM   #71
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Originally posted by my new 72
If your yard looks like ass, then your neighbors have the right to complain. Yes the state your yard is in does effect them if and when they go to sell their home. Who wants to live next to a trash heap? I don't, and I won't. Trucks in the driveway is no ones business but yours, but trucks all over your yard is everyones. If you wanna be a trash collector then open a salvage lot somewhere else, not in a residential neighborhood. And if I can hear your TV from accross the street inside my house at 10:30 in the morning on Sunday then your damn right I'm gonna ask you to turn it down.

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Old 05-22-2003, 11:26 AM   #72
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Old 05-22-2003, 12:24 PM   #73
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Know where I can get one of those fences??

A real shame that people don't appreciate having parts cars. Everyone should have 2 or 3.
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Old 05-22-2003, 12:38 PM   #74
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Actually, your trucks look really nice. I should come park mine there, its Ohio colored paint (yes it is the color of all the trucks in Ohio) and funky stripes. I bet your neighbor would absolutely love it.
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Old 05-22-2003, 01:05 PM   #75
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can't help but notice that some of the most vigorous support comes frome the younger sector!! maybe after moving out of mommy and daddys house and working and saving for 20-30 years and having a couple of hundred thousand dollars invested in a nice house and neighborhood they'll change their tune!! that's what i did, and yes i'd call to complain if one of my neigbors was doing something to adversley affect the value of my investment!! but it wouldn't just be the police i'd also make calls to whoever holds the mortage on the property, whoever issues the insurance on the property the EPA and any other agency to bring maximum pressure to bear to protect my investment!!! the way i look at it it's just like stealing from me!! I've always managed to persue my old car and cycle hobby without infringing on other peoples rights and would expect that same consideration and respect from others!!!!!!!!!!!
71c-10 350/2004r/4:11 lowered3/4 longbed/dead by hurricane



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