Originally posted by jku72
I only mean to say that I too have spent many years of hard work, and saved in order to get what I have. Now that I have a decent place, I'll not have somebody telling me how to keep it.
Who decides how things should look? When does it stop?
Clean perfect planted non-native grass may be in style right now, but what if the rage becomes tall native grass?
A perfectly mowed lawn is not only un-natural, it is a waste of resources to keep it as such. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Enforcing one groups version of beauty on others is just ....wrong. I personally think that lawn watering, and wasteing gas on mowing grass, and putting chemicals all over the place to keep the lawn perfect is criminal. Do you want me to start telling you all how to keep your yard? Of course not.
I got rid of my lawn 2 years ago. It is now clean dirt ( now that's an oximoron), but it is not real visible because of the shrubs next to the side walk. I sodded it twice but those darn crabgrass keep coming back. My neighbors asked me when I am going to resod it. I told them when they come up with grass in a different color other than green. All my shrubs are green, my trees are green, my truck is green. I need some color contrast.
I'm thinking of planting giant pumpkins where my front lawn was. My neighbors never complain because I am always willing to help them with anything. They ask me to watch there house when they are gone. I chased a guy breaking into my neighbors car about 1AM with a shot gun. They don't complain about my yard or vehicles because I am more an asset to them than a liability.
I think neighbors should get along. I lost 2 cousins that didn't get along with there neighbors.