look its another english teacher ,, telling me its silly to get heated over a comment,,then shows me which button to use when i do get fired up ? my new 72 was the first one to make the face to face comment,, and just recently the state came in and did try to make alot of folks out here in this rural area get rid of theyre junk cars,, and they did,, there are still a handful of guys in court over it whom have already had to shell out over 3000 bucks in fines,,and get this sh*t ,, they even went as far as to show them a rule book that stated in the state of illinois it is illeagal to work on youre own vehicle,,it is to be done by a certified shop,, so dont think that just because i am in a rural area that im safe from the rules, and they may not be in the pictures but i do have neighbors,, you just cant see the houses for the trees,, but my neighbors are all right,, and i know internet fighting is ridiculous,, but he said somthing about me not saying somthing to his face, i was just letting him know i have no problems talking to him face to face, just alot of miles in between,, like i said,, ill fight for what i belive tooth and nail,, not trying to offend anyone ,, but this is what i believe in,,making sure my words are heard,, and i am kinda getting a kick out of this to ,,ha ha ha