Originally Posted by Hottrucks
Well in a few I'm heading off to go play with the forein jobs...yep taking my truck to a low show you know the ones with about a million jap cars with fart cans...I'm thinking I need to take about 10 feet of chain and if anyone gives me poop I'll hook it to there rad support and show them the differance between 2 point nothing liters and 8.2....should be funny to see my truck there with all the compacts running 18's all I have to say is I thought you ment wide not tall!!!
I'll take some pics..like a bull in a China shop....lol
Chalk one up for the Us Ole School Guys......I ended up winning best under constuction.....and measured up a 7.5" to the door bottom the best car was 5" and the S10's with a big hole in the bed got 6"....I figure the 2 1/2" drop spindles and my 235/60/15's ( instead of the 31x18x15's) so that my truck will lay into the C notch should get me close....I didn't take any pics but when they get posted on Facebook I'll copy a few!!!