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Old 04-12-2002, 11:42 PM   #1
14.1 @ 96MPH
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Red face Our Trucks: So Strong, They Can't Even Hurt Each Other!!!!

So I went to the track tonight with some other locals who have '67-'72s... (FWIW, I knocked another tenth off! 16.4, no mph change)

One of the guys, who was directly behind me in the staging lanes, was having problems with his truck (threefold: hot start, bad idle, leaking heater core), and the sucker died. So he goes to do the screwdriver/starter trick, and I get in the cab to hold the starter on and give it a little gas...

...and when it cranks, it jumps forward, into my truck.

He's fine, and better yet (lol) BOTH OF OUR TRUCKS ARE FINE!!!! The only damage gained was a dime-sized nick in my tailgate paint - NOT EVEN A DENT ON EITHER ONE!!!! Due to the circumstances, I'm actually strangely happy in a situation where I'd normally be pissed!!! (That, and I was the one who hit my own truck, technically...)

Our strong, they can't hurt each other!!!!

(He never got to run. When we did stage, his truck died again and the coolant leak showed up. From what the previous owner says, it should be a 14 second truck...)

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Old 04-13-2002, 12:29 AM   #2
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LOL. Thats pretty funny. Once I saw a little F*rd back up into a newer Chevy in a gas station parking lot. Cracked the body on that little F*rd car real bad. Damaged the truck bumper just a little. Pretty sad what they make these days. : (

Nick Rodenberg
Wellington, MO
You can click on "My 72 Chevy Truck"
I have a 72 Cheyenne 10 with a V8 350 and a TH-350 auto-tranny.
Runs well... working on body.
Hoping to have completed in March when I turn 16

Nick Rodenberg
72 Cheyenne 10 V8 350/TH350
white/ochre/white/ochre, ochre/saddle interior
Retired and in the dry... still runs. I now drive Red '01 Ford Focus... better MPG!!!
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Old 04-13-2002, 07:15 AM   #3
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Ok I hate to say it, buy while we're on this topic.........I had a '81 Chevy 4x4, lifted with 35" tires on it. Well I was in the city one day with it, and not paying close attention. Was sitting in a line of traffic on a downhill slope waiting for a red light. Well the light turns green, I see everyone start to go, so I let my foot off the brake and we just start to roll. I am now looking some other direction, (most likely at some girls) I look back and the traffic is stopped again!! CRAP! I hit the brakes, but too late, SMASH! Into the back end of a fairly new car, a Cavalier I think.(or something similar) Well I check out his car, the trunk lid and spoiler are pushed all the way up to the back window! Along with the tops of his rear fenders! Have a look at my truck, the stock bumper didn't even have a scratch on it!!

I loved that truck.

Sylvan Lake, Alberta, Canada

1970 Chevy C20 Custom Camper
402BB Turbo 400 trans.
A/C, P/S, manual brakes.
75,800 Original Miles!!
'71 Camaro SS 402/T400 resto
'97 Z28 -- Runs 11.5 @ 118mph.

1970 Chevy C20 Custom Camper
402BB Turbo 400 trans. (Slowly becoming a '70 shortbox 1/2 ton)
'71 Camaro SS 402/T400 resto
'97 Z28 (11.41@127MPH)
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Old 04-13-2002, 07:22 AM   #4
Whisky Bent & Hell Bound
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My roomate came in all hesterical (it's a girl) saying I hit your truck I'm so sorry. So I was starting to freak out and I get out there her hole rear quarter panel is smashed in on a Kia. I walked around to the side where she hit my truck and after I wiped all her paint off there wasnt even a sratch.

68 custom stepside PS,PB
350 with Vortec Heads,Carter 650, Edelbrock Performer,HEI,
Crane Enegizer 266, Headmen headers
40 series Flowmasters, B&M hole shot
2,000 rmp stall, TCI TH350 Streetfighter,
4.10 gears
Virginia Beach, VA by way of
Houston, TX

68 custom stepside PS,PB
350 with Vortec Heads,Carter 650, Edelbrock Performer,HEI,
Crane Enegizer 266, Headmen headers
40 series Flowmasters, B&M hole shot
2,000 rmp stall, TCI TH350 Streetfighter,
4.10 gears

2003 Harley Davidson 883C

San Diego, CA by way of
Houston, TX
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Old 04-13-2002, 10:05 AM   #5
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I got in a mini "pile up" in my truck. I was stopped in traffic, and their was a little toyota pickup sitting behind me. A Jeep cherokee hit the toyota going about 35, and shoved the toyota into me. All it did was barely bend my step bumper. You can't tell it's bent unless you really look at it. The cool thing is i got $400 out of it, and no one was hurt .


"Another proud owner of one of the coolest trucks ever built"

My Daily-Driver: '72 Chevy LWB Custom/10. Rebuilt 350, 300 HP thanks to a few go-fast goodies. Ochre with a white top. Future plans include TBI fuel injection, a 700R4 tranny, and possibly some 3.73 rear gears.

'72 Chevy C10 Mild 350/TH350/3.07. Ochre/White. Old high school ride.
'70 GMC C2500 '62 327 4bbl/SM465/4.56-geared Dana 60. White/White. Project or parts truck.
'97 Saturn SL DD. 1.9/5-speed. 40+ highway mpg
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Old 04-13-2002, 11:16 AM   #6
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I was in my "new" 85 S10 Blazer yesterday, and it's got those sweet tube bumpers on it and the nerf bars, etc. Anyways, some idiot in a minivan in front of me decided for some reason to BACK UP while they were stopped at a light, while I was approaching. They nailed me at about 20, dented their bumper...Turned on the PA and said "Dipsh*t!" and changed lanes
"Every normal man must be tempted at times to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats."
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Old 04-13-2002, 11:36 AM   #7
Desert Rat
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My wife has experience with this.I have never hurt my truck i had a 70 Short Step,she was in a turn lane and traffic was bagged uo and the other lane was open-lady in a van waved for her to go.PLOW a week old Honda about 35mph.I was pissed like if you could see other lane why did you go????uh well the lady waved me on????I was loke if she told you to lie on train tracks would you????WASTED the Honda,bent the stepside fender into the tire,i pulled it out there,bent exhaust a little,drove home a little wobbly.But the Honda had to have wrecker take it away,anyway got home threw another wheel on still wobbeled,kacked it up had to change the axle.
Then a couple monyhs later in my GMC she was at a 4ay stop and the new Yukon started to go,so she started to pull up,well she got distracted by the dog,and BAM screwed his crap up,was mega bucks gor him to fix,all i got was a ding in my bumper-a small who cares ding!!!
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Old 04-13-2002, 11:43 AM   #8
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Oh and thanks 2 her 2 accidents within a week,and 3 tickets the month prior,and mine a couple months earlier,out 56$ a month insurance company dropped us,TOO high risk,now we get to pay $145 i was pissed.I wanted to take her out back and woop her,when we go anywhere she drives and DOES not look at the speed,but im watching it.Ill say Kris your doing 90 the limit is 75,and theres a trooper up there in the median,everywhere if its 25 she goes 35 or 40,man i get mad.shes gonna get more tickets.I do not speed in town 100% NO WAY,freeway i do hit at 85 to keep up with flow,and most people blow right by.
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Old 04-13-2002, 03:28 PM   #9
Strongman Garage
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dont they have tech inspections at your track? that truck sounds like it needs just a liiiiiiitle more work before id try taking it to the strip....

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68 4x4 short fleetside 327 CH465 edelbrock intake and carb MSD distributor its the "SHAGROLET"
56 big window short stepside 235 dual 1 brls
64ImpalaSS 327
70 C10 LWB fleetside custom/10 350/TH350
IM me on aol SN= SHAGROLET

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Old 04-13-2002, 03:34 PM   #10
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Tech inspection in AZ ones are a minimum 3 lugnuts,a bicyle helmet for 11.99 and faster,a bungee corb battery hold sown,or rope.bailing wire under frame for driveline safety loop.Its hard to pass through,theyre tough.A holes told me i couldnt come back till i had a chute on my truck.
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Old 04-13-2002, 08:23 PM   #11
14.1 @ 96MPH
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Yeah, which is the very odd thing. When I went through tech, I got the whole 9 yards...I mean, they even got me for wearing shorts instead of pants!!! And part of tech was to check to see the starter works (bump it in park) and then make sure the neutralswitch works (try it in drive).

I wonder if I could get any cash from Firebird for it.

And Desert Rat...I swear, it sounds like you might've married one of my mom's sisters!!!! Sounds like back when my parents turned 25, my dad was all excited about getting cheap insurance...then his agent calls him... "Yeah, your wife got two tickets last month for speeding. So your rates are going up, not down." She slaughters automatic transmissions; killed at least one in every vehicle she's driven, and it feels to me like she might be close to blowing up the second 4L60E in the '97 Suburban. She thinks nothing of 40 in a 25 (nor correcting me for doing 30 in a 25!) and I've ridden shotgun while she did an extended 80mph run down Rural road...yep, almost double the limit!!!

I'm not perfect, but I do my best to avoid going more than five over in any zone except a freeway or other places where the flow of traffic is signifigantly higher than the posted limit. People come up to me all the time and tell me how crazy she is on the road. Plus, she doesn't pay enough attention to her truck...I'm sure that when the coolant crapped out on her, it wasn't just a one-day-it's-fine and the-next-it's-dead thing. That radiator was clogged to the point where it had to be starting to cook at least a week earlier. Brakes and tires about every 20,000 miles, like clockwork...

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Old 04-13-2002, 08:39 PM   #12
L.E.D. Freak
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I once was in my 72 Blazer 4X4 with the top off, in a traffic jam, and a newer Volvo car rear ended me going know more than 10 miles an hour! Totaled the car! Disabled it! Damage to "THE BLAZ" a bent in rear bumper! Didn't even chip the chrome! Barely hit the sheet metal! The car was undrivable! I laughed! Got a new bumper and called it a day! She for know doubt will remember to put down here Cheese burger and pay attention to life next time! And the Yellow beast will haunt here nightmares for the rest of her life hopefully.

1972 2wd Blazer, 350/700R4/3:73 posi/NOS. Power is nothing without control!
Specializing in Custom L.E.D. inserts.
Contact me @
or Joel @

1972 2wd Blazer, 350/700R4/3:73 posi, err & Custom L.E.D. inserts! LOL
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Old 06-11-2003, 02:30 AM   #13
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i was pulling my blue truck forward and the brakes gave way and i hit my white truck and scratched my bumper... thats all!
70 longbed
496/th400/Ford 9"
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Old 06-11-2003, 02:39 AM   #14
1969 GMC
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i was sitting in the parking lot at kfc listening to music and waiting for one of my friends to come out. there is a pretty new blazer 4x4 parked in front of me, and an old guy comes outta the blockbuster next door, gets in the blazer, puts it in reverse, and slams into my GMC. i wasnt really looking and it scared the crap outta me. well i get out to look, hehe, nothing done at all to the truck. the blazer, however, looked pretty bad. my bumper guards made 2 big dents in the bumper, and the front hitch punched a hole and left a big dent in the blazers bumper. the old dude looked pretty pissed, and i said to him "you should watch that next time," got in my truck (friend was there by then) and drove away.
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Old 06-11-2003, 08:08 AM   #15
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Talk about bringing back the dead... i barely remember posting that above.. Remember it happening though
1969 GMC---funny the video store is next to KFC here also except ours is a Aardvark/Movie Gallery. (Aardvark has the lisense to sell XXX and Movie Gallery just sells the regular movies.. at least its what people say)
Nick Rodenberg
72 Cheyenne 10 V8 350/TH350
white/ochre/white/ochre, ochre/saddle interior
Retired and in the dry... still runs. I now drive Red '01 Ford Focus... better MPG!!!
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Old 06-11-2003, 08:20 AM   #16
Blue Beard
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Who says F**d tuff, wash his mouth out with soap...........
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1978 Blazer 2WD For Sale $7000.00
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Old 06-11-2003, 08:26 AM   #17
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Re: Our Trucks: So Strong, They Can't Even Hurt Each Other!!!!

Originally posted by Project1970
So I went to the track tonight with some other locals who have '67-'72s... (FWIW, I knocked another tenth off! 16.4, no mph change)
Is that supposed to be 15.4?
It's called "drag racing" if they called it "tic..tic..WHAM!..BANG! F*&K!!!", they'd have to keep the magazines under the counter with the other men's publications

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67 lwb..first hotrod in 25 years..540 best ET is 9.45 @ 141.44
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Old 06-11-2003, 10:09 AM   #18
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I ran over a Maxima with my (now X ) girl friends 85 k5 with 4" lift. He came up on my left. Its was dusk and he didnt have his head lights on. I changed lanes from a stop and crunched his front fender with the tire.
1972 K5 Blazer CST Click HERE

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Old 06-11-2003, 10:16 AM   #19
14.1 @ 96MPH
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Re: Re: Our Trucks: So Strong, They Can't Even Hurt Each Other!!!!

Originally posted by bigjimzlll

Is that supposed to be 15.4?
LOL, look at the original date on this's over a year old! :P So then it would've been 16.4

15.4...I wish...and if I can make that 700R4 stay in first another 1000RPM, I might be able to pull it off...
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Old 06-11-2003, 02:20 PM   #20
What if?
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when i had my 68 gmc,was my first, a guy ran int othe back of it doing like 35 and all it did was bend the bumper brackets. destroyed his 88 dodge k car.

then i did the unthinkable the next day with that truck,i ran in the back of my friends 78 monty. all i did to the truck was bend the grill slightly,but the monty suffered a really messed up trunck and rear quaters.

yup i know this is a year old thread but hey what is old is now new
2002 red extended cab Silverado
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