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Old 03-17-2011, 10:13 PM   #1
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Re: Opinion on leaving out the parking brake?

It's easy to pass it up based on your own preference, but I dont think I'd be so gentle with the guy that accidentally runs into my wife and kids because he didn't feel like putting an emergency brake in.
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Old 03-18-2011, 12:56 AM   #2
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Re: Opinion on leaving out the parking brake?

Guys, my only point is that it is not really an "emergency brake" that is why in recent years they call it a parking brake. If you pull it in an emergency you would go, back to front pretty quick. In 20 plus years of driving I have never known myself or someone to pull it to save a life....only for redneck fun to get the rear end to slide around.....(I am originally from NC myself)
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Last edited by vjjack04; 03-18-2011 at 01:00 AM.
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Old 03-18-2011, 07:51 AM   #3
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Re: Opinion on leaving out the parking brake?

Originally Posted by vjjack04 View Post
In 20 plus years of driving I have never known myself or someone to pull it to save a life....Posted via Mobile Device
I guess you didn't read the above post.

Originally Posted by lakeroadster View Post
First thing I did when I bought my truck was hook up the parking brake.

You know, they used to be called "Emergency Brakes". And for good reason... it can save your life.

I can think of one for ya. It was a "life lesson" I experienced as a little kid that has stuck with me to this day.
When I was a kid, back in the late 60's, my grandfather had a '59 Chrysler 4 door, push button automatic. A huge hulk of a car that was past it's prime and it was his "beater farm car". We were out on an errand, driving down the road and he attempted to stop at a stop sign at a busy highway intersection. He said "oh $hit" and grabbed the emergency brake and we skidded to a stop. When he hit the brake a brake line broke and the peddle went right to the floor. He used the emergency brake to get us back to his farm, where he fixed the brake line.
Brakes and steering are the (2) things you never make shortcuts with. If all else fails you need to be able to steer the car and stop the car.

There are a lot of options for relocating the emergency brake: foot style, floor mount, etc. I relocated mine to the floor.

Good luck, have fun and always remember to be safe out there! We are counting on ya!

Think about it: You have resto rodded a truck, upgraded the brakes to dual reservoir etc. and intentionally didn't hook up an emergency brake. You posted on a blog you weren't going to, others said you should. Now you get in an accident and somebody gets hurt. Pretty much the worse lawyer in the country could make a really good case of intentional neglegence against you.

Saying "if you have an automatic you don't need one" is just silly. How many automatic trucks have been built since the 1940's by automotove manufacturers that didn't have a "parking / emergency" brake? None.

Hydraulic brake systems are mechanical devices, they can fail. You need a back up system and that system is the parking / emergency brake. If you don't do it for yourself do it for those riding with you, and for those on the highway.

Last edited by lakeroadster; 03-18-2011 at 10:32 AM.
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Old 03-18-2011, 11:28 PM   #4
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Re: Opinion on leaving out the parking brake?

Originally Posted by lakeroadster View Post
I guess you didn't read the above post.

Think about it: You have resto rodded a truck, upgraded the brakes to dual reservoir etc. and intentionally didn't hook up an emergency brake. You posted on a blog you weren't going to, others said you should. Now you get in an accident and somebody gets hurt. Pretty much the worse lawyer in the country could make a really good case of intentional neglegence against you.

Saying "if you have an automatic you don't need one" is just silly. How many automatic trucks have been built since the 1940's by automotove manufacturers that didn't have a "parking / emergency" brake? None.

Hydraulic brake systems are mechanical devices, they can fail. You need a back up system and that system is the parking / emergency brake. If you don't do it for yourself do it for those riding with you, and for those on the highway.
I see the point you are making, but don't share your perspective. To each his own. I saw the story and understand what they are saying (it was difficult, but I got it). It is like seat belts and helments (to me). It should be the owners choice. Again, I have never pulled the "emergency brake" in an emergency and really don't think one should. It would make the rear lock up and potentially slide around. But you guys can do what you choose (obviously).

Interesting that you are concerned about others riding with you; I am not. I often smoke the tires in my Corvette and race through neighborhoods hoping to hit small children and the elderly...just kinding. I care about folks too, but I still don't believe it is neccesary to have an "emergency" brake. Mechanical things fail is a matter of fact, I appreciate your reminder; I didn't know that? (more sarcasm). Do what you think is right. I for one don't believe an automatic trans vehicle needs an emergency/parking brake. It is not a "back up system" because using a brake that locks up the rear wheels at (lets say) 60 MPH is not a good thing. Also, if you are driving around in a vehicle with questionable brakes, look at that first.

And your analogy about the litigation is goofy; what precidence have you for this? I am willing to take the risk that some savy lawyer would (not) go to this website and research the topics associated with my perspective in the event of a law suite. Anyway, this is the last on this topic I will post.
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Old 03-19-2011, 08:02 AM   #5
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Re: Opinion on leaving out the parking brake?

Originally Posted by vjjack04 View Post
Again, I have never pulled the "emergency brake" in an emergency and really don't think one should. It would make the rear lock up and potentially slide around. But you guys can do what you choose (obviously)....

I for one don't believe an automatic trans vehicle needs an emergency/parking brake. It is not a "back up system" because using a brake that locks up the rear wheels at (lets say) 60 MPH is not a good thing.

Anyway, this is the last on this topic I will post.
Using this logic my grandfather should have let his old Chrysler roll out into that intersection and get t-boned, possibly killing us and the other driver, that would have been better than possibly locking up the brakes and stopping the car.

The hand brakes most important function is to stop the car in the event the hydraulic brake system fails. There are numerous examples of other members using it just for that purpose in this very thread. Nobody can say that having it there for use in such a situation was not a good thing and possibly saved lives?

It's like everything else though, you have to have some basic common sense when you use it. To use a hand brake when the vehicle is in motion, a hand brake like the ones that are installed on the 60-66 trucks from the factory, you don't just yank it and lock up the rear tires. You depress the lock, keep it depressed, and pull on the handle enough to stop the truck, but not lock up the brakes. It's really a great design and works really well......

Last edited by lakeroadster; 03-19-2011 at 10:17 AM.
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