ok yeah "yeeha it moves"....but.................
well now that it moves its apparent i need some rotors and a radiator, and can anybody tell me how to get the back barrels of my eldebrock to open up....uuuggghhhhhhh god its like the never ending money pit...........my 72 datsun was in boxes (literally) for five and a half years some in attic some in storage and well we wont talk about the lack of care for some parts..i simply bolted it all back together a bottle of brake fluid 2 cans of carb cleaner and 5 bucks in gas and it was driving down the road.....lol.....on a good note tho the 200-4r seemed to shift out ok, and i need to do a little fine tuning on the timing...since i am unsure of components inside motor im going to assume it is stock and set timing between 4 and 8 deg...then go from there...being as the radiator has several leaks and the fact that there were several old t-stats in the bed as well as every freeze plug on the motor was rusted and leaking i must take into account that it has to have been run hot several times, even tho the head gaskets are intact...i guess once the tired 350 keels ill opt for a doug herbert built crate motor i cant remember but i thinks it is either a 501 or a 503 with super charger they got for about 5g's and there is a fellow up in either kansas or indiana building some bad ass 6speed autos a friend with a 528 hemi 68 charger bought one a couple years back..hehe we can all dream right????