Originally Posted by wuntun87
IIRC, that is the wiper delay module. Not necessarily hidden to keep one from finding it, but just installed that way for cost cutting. My wiper delay failed and that part (circuit board) was a dealer only item (somewhere near $100 or more) so I bought a matching resistor like the burnt one ($2 at radio shack), and soldered it in. What a rush to save that much money on a repair. I have been reading your build from the beginning, and i finally got a chance to add .02 cents. Keep up the awesome work sparkydog! (OK. now .04 cents) 
Thank you wuntun! Very nice to know what that thing is.
Originally Posted by racedaddy
Man O Man, just found this thread this morning and read it all. Nice work. Have you thought of going with an electric fan? You can get a GM one from pull-a-part for like $10. They use them in everything and then you could get much closer to the engine.
Yes I would probably switch to elec if I needed to. I should be OK as is. There is a lot of stock GM stuff that would also have to move around if I got too aggressive with the relo. Like washer fluid tank, ECM mount bracket (because the fender skirt would get sectioned), battery. I'm trying to keep the total fab work down to barely do-able so that I don't burn out. I want to switch to front hood hinges and that alone is probably going to kick my ass.
Originally Posted by 68 Four on the Floor
You're CRAZY! I like you.....
Thanks for reading my build!