Originally Posted by Low Elco
Little tip, Drew... While not technically necessary, I like to wipe down between stages with a soapy rag. Also, knock your speed down from full while cutting the scratch out, to about 2/3 on the mid-cut, to about 1/3 on the final cut. You don't need a lot of the later stuff. A dab on the pad gets 'er done, and makes a lot less mess. Meguiars soft pads seem to help with swirls. Have fun!
Thanks for your tips, I watched quite a few You Tube videos to refresh my memory and for tips like yours. One guy was going a third step with 3M Ultrafina, but it was on a black car. The internet makes stuff like this so much easier, I used to have to ask old timers about their tricks and I'm sure they never told me everything I needed to know.