Originally Posted by VWNate1
This is a simple one but , there's a FIRE WARNING ! .
Take a plumber's propane torch under the truck and use it to gently heat up the Zerks as this will soften the old rock hard grease , then whilst they're still hot , insert the grease until you see fresh grease mushing out the caps .
This works well on old suspension fittings too but , care must be taken as once the old grease catches fire , it's hell to put out .
Part of the reason I always keep the chassis clean of old accumulated grease....
Yeah, well...the wife won't let me play with torches after that incident a few years ago. I have to wait until she isn't home.
Everything is pretty dirty as the truck sat for several years. I figure since I need to remove the rear shaft to align the yokes, I'll have an opportunity to clean up the fittings and make sure everything is lubed. Maybe a good project for today.