Originally Posted by DevilDog Aggie
Got the brakes replaced and bled. Even after getting a notice from the local PD that someone complained because she was on stands for a day. Really? Anyway, still having brake issues. Have ordered a new booster and master cylinder which should be in tomorrow. Having issues with the parking brake too. It won't hold. Pulled the rear wheels/drums off last night to inspect and did find a few pieces that may have slipped while I was installing. Fixed those but same issue. Cables pull the lever, but apparently aren't pulling tight enough. I'm going to go through the cables this weekend and tighten where I can. Any other thoughts?
Really want to get her inspected and at least road worthy. Also have to adjust the timing. She diesels after shutdown. I have done a full tune/carb replacement. Before that she wouldn't even hardly start. So I am pretty sure I got that part right. Thinking about running a can or two of seafoam through her to see if that helps as well to break up any buildup in the intake.

The truck was called in by another jealous 72 chevy truck owner with an rust bucket! lol