Originally Posted by MikeyMan
OK, I didn't have a bracket and you don't need one for yours. That bracket is for the A/C controller only. The A/C controller doesn't have provisions for the 2 dash mounting screws, so that bracket attatches to the controller to give the two threadded mount points.
The controller I swapped, and the new one Duane has is for the Non-A/C. There is no seperate bracket. It just mounts with 2 screws from the bottom of the dash into the threadded body of the controller.
Duane, since your brand new controller is not tapped, I would just use 2 machine screws or bolts and nuts. I did stainless phillips pan head screws, washer, and nylon lock nut behind the dash. Looks clean with stainless on the underside of the dash. I believe the original pan head machine screws were black, or painted with the dash.
Good to know. Thanks Mikey!
Originally Posted by MikeyMan
Duane, that brand new piece looks great! How much did that set you back?
Bought it from Early Classic Enterprise, all brand new (maybe refurbished)... $95 plus shipping. Figured it was worth it to me so I didn't have to worry about chrome quality or replating a used one.
Originally Posted by MikeyMan
You need the 3 cables, 3 clips and 3 screws. Then you need 3 "pushnuts" that hold the cable loop end to the levers. My pushnuts or retainer clips kinda got trashed upon removal, so I took the controller to the local hardware store and sized up new ones. Tip, they're cheap so grab a spare or two in case you lose or break one. You also need the socket and bulb that illuminates when the headlights are on. Maybe that's hanging under the dash (grey wire).
Hopefully, you have the original plug and wiring for the blower motor. If so, just plug in and test your switch (middle lever).
Thanks for the tip, but I don't have any of the factory heater stuff. It was all removed by the PO. I'll be installing a Vintage Air unit (probably next year) so it won't be using any of the factory cables. As for the light, I'm in the middle of rewiring the truck, so I've already made that connection. Just needs to be installed.
Thanks again everyone for your help. This just proves how great the people on this forum are.

I hope I can be of help to you in the future.