Originally Posted by OrrieG
No new ideas, but what ever you do, do not defeat the secondary safety latch, I know from experience on a big truck that life gets real interesting at 65 mph when the hood comes back on the windshield.
After market remote start/alarm systems are getting pretty cheap, at least at home you would get notice someone is messing with it. In college in El Paso I had a VW van that people tried to boost on a regular basis dispite me taking the rotor to class, battery and fuel cut offs and motion detector alarm. A couple of times I had to go find it when they had tried to push start it. Also instructed the local cops on where the alarm silence switch was so they could shut it off. For those that do not know UTEP in right on the Rio Grande, which is the border to Mexico and at that time was one of the major illegal border crossings. A simple bribe would get anyone back across the border regardless of what they were driving.
Been there done that when I was a kid. Friend driving 56 Ford sedan and the hood came open at about 40 MPH on a city road and we knew there was a Gas tanker going the opposite way we didn't want to hit. I think being the passenger was worse than being the driver. Safety latches are your friend.