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Old 11-09-2003, 02:49 AM   #26
Pennyless Fool
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I've riden in that!!! Or at least one like it? It must have been seven or eight years back. They were charging for rides at a Walmart parking lot, I couldn't pass it up. Got on there with my son and a bunch of kids. It was hilarious!!!
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Old 11-09-2003, 03:17 AM   #27
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i still want a Hummer
me too ... but the kind I want doesn't require gasoline.
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Old 11-09-2003, 03:28 AM   #28
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Why would you worry about some squeaks and rattles in a freaking tank like a hummer? The people that buy them buy them for the wrong reason, If you want a quiet ride then buy a caddy or something. Just my .02
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Old 11-09-2003, 03:29 AM   #29
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That bus has been at a walmart here also. It's been probably 5 years or so though.
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Old 11-09-2003, 03:35 AM   #30
Phillip Johnson
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I just thought you guys would get a kick out of seeing it. I made a u turn to get pictures yesterday.
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Old 11-09-2003, 03:41 AM   #31
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I cleaned it up a bit, BTW I think it is freaking sweet!
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Old 11-09-2003, 03:55 AM   #32
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What phil is talking about is a commercialized hummer 2 (not the 100k original diesel hummer) in utilizes alot of the GM stock production parts and retails for around 50-55K. There are a ton of them here with 22" chrome wheels and this and that. I too wanted one when they first came out but after talking with quite a few poeple....theres no way I would buy ....let alone any new GM product I am sorry to say.

However.....that schoolbus is really cool.....I really like lifted trucks back in the early 90's [IMG]here is the 61 I had with an LS5 454.
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Old 11-09-2003, 04:32 AM   #33
Phillip Johnson
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Im still going to do the H2 thing as my wife has always had a full size Yukon or Suburban. For the price of a Burb, you can get a H2 and keep the wife happy. We just need something to pull a boat, horse trailer or RV. As for offroad, I left that behind 30+ years ago in high school. I am not one to spend several tens of thousands of dollars just to take it up a hill over rocks and through streams just to see if I can do it without getting pulled out by AAA. Im way too old for that kid stuff. I just like a nice ride that looks good and mileage isnt a factor. If you can afford the truck, you can afford the gas. Otherwise, buy a 79 toyota4x4 and get 12 mpg anyway but save on the price of the ride.
I myself, have paid my dues and usually get what I want. If I dont like it in 6 months, its either given to one of my kids or I sell it and buy something else. Example, I always wanted a Log Home. I now live in a rather BIG log home and I love it. Im now about 2/3's completing my new shop / office and it will be a total of 80' feet by 36'.. There will be a car lift in the RV garage and all the stuff i always wanted in the early years when I couldnt afford it. Now I can and Im getting it. I have been blasted in the past 2 days by a select few that have nothing better to do than try to make themselves look better than anyone else by cutting into someone and blowing ultra small quotes into things that really were ment to improve things on this site. I know that there are alot of "kids" that post here and type before they think. My suggestion is, think about what you are saying before you hit the send button. You may or may not mean to piss people off by your comments but, There are 4 guys here that I could mention names, but wont take myself to their level. They have been very constant on picking apart the slightest sentance in some of my posts. When i reply, it only blows things farther out of line. At this time, if I see a picture of a really nice truck, I will take some shot, but I highly doubt that I will post due to the crappy feedback from the guys that mostlikely drive a 7 cyl. 50% pile of rust and tell me that I am such a bad person to buy my wife a Hummer. Well, to the guys that "know it all" and you know who you are, get another 20 years under your belt before you dare to tell me that I am crazy to spend $60k or more to make my wife happy. Now, come the day that you can afford to do the same, i will accept your opinion. Until then, quit talking just to hear to yourself talk. If I get booted for expressing this opinion, so be it. It is how I feel. People have in the past blasted the crap out of me and my posts, but god forbid I should I reply with a comment back to them.
Im here for the fun of it. To buy, sell, help with questions and just have a good time, but not at the expence of someone else's expence. I say treat everyone here as you expect to be treated and quit with the negitive comments. Ive seen this board go from a really fun and informitive place to a slam match posting war between kids that have just got their first truck. Lets all get along and make this a good place to meet new friends and help each other out. Im now stepping off my soap box. One last thing, at the bottom of all my posts, it says EMAIL, no PM'S... Please read that as I still get 2 or 3 pm's a day and am asked to send pictures or something that can only be done through email. If you send a PM and dont get a reply, that is why. .....E/Mail is the way to always get my attention.


Last edited by Phillip Johnson; 11-09-2003 at 04:37 AM.
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Old 11-09-2003, 11:14 AM   #34
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Go all out....

and get a REAL Hummer (H1). Not the Urban Assult Model H2. LOL
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Old 11-09-2003, 11:38 AM   #35
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That bus looks like a hauler for a big family of rednecks.
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Old 11-09-2003, 12:01 PM   #36
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Phillip, Thanks for the pics! That bus is great, and your efforts are appreciated.

Good luck with your H2 when you get it, and don't let the "kids" here get under yer skin too much!
- Mike -

1972 K20 LWB 350/350/205

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Old 11-09-2003, 12:21 PM   #37
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About 4 years ago me and my son paid for a ride on that bus also. It was at a Houston Walmart. It gets around. We had a blast.

For Phillip:

Anyone who would blast you for spending money to keep your wife happy has OBVIOUSLY never been married.


Last edited by Locutus; 11-09-2003 at 12:26 PM.
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Old 11-09-2003, 12:23 PM   #38
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Is that possible? 19 years and I'm still spending. lol
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Old 11-09-2003, 12:33 PM   #39
Tx Firefighter
Watch out for your cornhole !
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Phillip, don't let the peach fuzz faces around here bring you down. I appreciate your input around here. We've got a few guys who post absolutely nothing related to these trucks. The upside is, kids that age usuallu have short attention spans and something else will come along real quick to distract them.

That's why so few people follow through with big projects like restos. It takes plenty of dedication and sometimes it's not a bit of fun.

Keep on keepin on man.

By the way, I'd sell my soul to please my wife, dropping 60k is nothing.
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Old 11-09-2003, 01:39 PM   #40
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I say buy whatever you want, it's your money to spend, don't let someone's opinion affect you..... but if it takes that to make someone.....anyone happy, something is amiss...

btw....a few well placed paragraphs would be useful.
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Old 11-09-2003, 01:51 PM   #41
Phillip Johnson
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I rest my case with the above post.. Too many rookies here with under 20 posts that think they know everything and answer with their $%^&.. Im about finished here. Ill post when I am looking to buy and sell. The know it all kids that really drive the Jap Rice Rockets and wish that they had Dads truck have totally pissed me off to the point of keeping my opinions and tech help to myself as everytime, no matter what I say, some asswipe finds something negitive to respond with.
Enjoy it kids..
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Old 11-09-2003, 02:12 PM   #42
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Nah, don't be too quick to bail on us! Plenty of us graybeards appreciate your input. It's hard but just try to ignore the little creeps. BTW I'd sure like to have that shop you're building! How about some pics as the project progresses?
- Mike -

1972 K20 LWB 350/350/205

RIP El Jay
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Old 11-09-2003, 02:16 PM   #43
Phillip Johnson
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Roof is almost complete and waiting to get the roll up doors delivered. the big hole in the middle of the driveway is for a water fall and small pond. Ill put in the next post what I intend to build
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Old 11-09-2003, 02:23 PM   #44
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This is what I plan to build and put in the middle of my driveway and in front of my new shop.
The rain is slowing the work down. Im just glad the roof is now on and we start with the siding Monday, weather permitting.
Bathroom is plumbed and satellite is wired for the room with surround sound to watch "Trucks" and "My Classic Car" on the weekends with no one wanting to watch something on another channel.
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Last edited by Phillip Johnson; 11-09-2003 at 02:25 PM.
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Old 11-09-2003, 02:28 PM   #45
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Thanks for posting the pics Phillip, and you can buy anything you want, screw the little twits! You're right about the fact that there are too many know-it-all teenagers around here, but in a free and open forum, it comes with the territory. I've had a few of them piss me off too, but I get my satisfaction knowing that everyone else that reads their dribble gets to shake his head and think "what a little fool that kid is". Every adult can relate to the most common observation about teenagers, They Know It All.
Just ignore them and don't let a few posts get under your skin, and remember, most of us like having you around, and hope you will stay. We'll never get rid of the kids, but it is real easy to ignore them. And they're not all bad either, some of them are here to learn, and smart enough to do so.
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Old 11-09-2003, 02:34 PM   #46
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Hey if you have the $$$ to play, I say go for it!
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Old 11-09-2003, 02:42 PM   #47
Pennyless Fool
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Some of us "NEWBIES" try to give a little return on the help we've recieved. If I've stepped on any toes let me know, I'll go back into the shadows.

I was once a kid with lots of questions, I knew it all, and my parents were the stupidest people god ever put on the planet. I'm now 40, my kids know it all, and I'm the stupidest person god ever put on the planet.
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Old 11-09-2003, 03:27 PM   #48
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Phil it's your money do what you want with it . I had a chance to meet you and i think you are one heck of a guy . I consider you to be a freind and a stand up guy don't let some kiddies get under your skin . Enjoy life to the fullest just remember the only person you have to please is yourself and your wife . So if you want to buy her a H2 go for it .
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Old 11-09-2003, 03:28 PM   #49
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Sorry you seem to be taking this waaay too seriously. Don't let the small things raise your blood pressure, it's not worth it.

Just because someone else has a different opinion doesn't neccesarily mean their viewpoint isn't valid....anymore than an inflated post count does.

This board isn't any different from "real" life, sometimes people offer comments that aren't with it and go on, why let it affect you?

Besides....I didn't slam you in any way, just some ribbing, that's what the ( ) means....certainly not enough to be referred to as a "teenager" or "asswipe"......

Of couse that does indicate something.....
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Old 11-09-2003, 03:41 PM   #50
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To tell te truth, I've wanted a H2 since they came out. You buy a vehicle for personal reasons, not to please others! My wife and I have an Audi A4 Quattro. I don't need a car like that, but my wife loves it!!!! I will also admit that the Audi is an absolute blast to drive. We could have got a car with better ammenities for the money, but we love the way the Audi DRIVES. It's all about personal preference and enjoyment. So we don't have heated seats and a telescopic steering wheel, what I do have is a wife that loves her car, so now I don't have to find another car for her in the next 2 years. Buy what you want, express yourself, and help others, that's my motto for life.
1972 C20 Suburban- Big Blue Betty
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