Originally Posted by domeier
Wes... While you're of course right about the simple moral issue of this dude stealing your money, I'm of the humble opinion that you're on the edge of stupid. At some point you'll need to remind yourself that:
1) it wasn't the smartest move in the world to give over money with the truck unseen and dude unmet,
2) people who pull such stunts as your "seller" did are not to be considered normal, stable or lesson-teachable, and
3) with the advent of the internet, no one can ever be considered safely anonymous from retribution if you finally drive the a-hole over his wobbly, shaky edge.
It's not worth having your house lit on fire in the middle of the night - or as just showed up in the news - bulldozed - because some freak decided he was tired of midnight phone calls.
I think you should take him to court or just mark down the loss as a won't-do-that-again, and move on.
My 2 cents. Good luck.
Agreed. It was nice to see the board rally behind you, but this all started with a bad choice on your part (OP). With talk of slashing tires now, etc. this can only end badly.