Re: Found me a possible truck 1971 gmc swb
Might be a little to early, but if you get the truck you mentioned getting new mirrors i might be intrested in buying the one's that are on the truck now but lets wait till you get her home. when i was 17 i got my first truck that was 26 years ago and i still have it along with 3 others its amazing how these trucks become your life. Most people think your just crazy but its just a passion they bring. I would like to see other pics. I think i would walk in to a labor ready place basically they send you out with other people and they work u butt off for a day but u get paid the same day sometimes u make 75 bucs and sometime u make 150 bucs depends on the level of hard work u could have the money in a week u will learn in u life if u want something bad enough u will work u butt off even if its slinging horse poop with a shovel at the stables. good luck kid!
Hi everyone, It's nice to know there's other people just as crazy about these old trucks as I am.