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Old 12-01-2013, 09:31 PM   #1
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Colder weather upon us!

Hey guys! With the cold weather upon us what do you do to your truck if storing and not running! Besides running once in a while do you add any additives? I store mine in an none temp controlled garage so just curiouse to see what you guys do to keep her healthy threw the winter!
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Old 12-01-2013, 10:01 PM   #2
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Re: Colder weather upon us!

Well... here in San Antonio TX this week it will be 78 degrees all week and my trucks a daily driver. Thank goodness we dont have the kind of weather that you guys have up north. Im sure its a pita with the cold up north, cold here for us is right above freezing.

If I see a Zombie.. Im runnin it over with my Truck.
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Old 12-01-2013, 10:10 PM   #3
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Re: Colder weather upon us!

I know right! I have a Crew Cab to paint this week and they[weathermen] say it is getting cold and freezing rain and SNOW by the weeks end. In Arkansas I am used to playing golf up until the middle of Dec. sometimes. Several years ago my wife and I gave each other new clubs for Christmas and after lunch we went and played a round at the club.[ it is only 4 min from our house to our cart shed]. I am so used to not having much cold weather work I normally just shut down when it is too cold to work. Jim
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Old 12-01-2013, 10:16 PM   #4
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Re: Colder weather upon us!

That's it! I'm moving south!
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Old 12-01-2013, 10:24 PM   #5
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Re: Colder weather upon us!

I have mine in the same garage it's sat in since 2005....radiator out and rags stuffed into the open radiator and intake manifold (carb off).

I await spring.
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Old 12-02-2013, 12:33 AM   #6
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Re: Colder weather upon us!

When I store my toys for winter, I've been doing the same thing for over 20 years.

1)Wash, wax & cover the vehicle
2)Fill the gas tank and add Stabil.
3)Change the oil.
4)Overfill the tires (especially if has aluminum wheels)
5)Get tires off the cement floor
6)Disconnect the battery
7)Put a trickle charger on the battery (mainly with a newer car)

Some people will do a hell of a lot more than this, but I think most of it is total overkill.

Lots of people that go overkill on some of the other things will say that you "have to" do it that way or you'll be doing damage. I also wonder how many of those people have actually owned their toys for a long enough time to see if what they did was needed.

All I know for sure, is one of my toys I've owned for 22 years and most years it's been stored outside for harsh New England winters. I don't even put a charger on the battery and it fires up every spring. I think if I was missing something, I would have seen the results by now

One of my other toys is 9 years old and stays in the garage. That one does stay on the charger and that car is still better than new.

I'm sure others have some other good advice, because some people like to do stuff to keep the mice away
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Old 12-02-2013, 12:46 AM   #7
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Re: Colder weather upon us!

I'm going to run the gas out of the tank before putting the truck in the garage for the winter I have 71 swb, with 4/6 drop Saginaw 4 speed 400 sb, on 17's. Projects for the winter are some rust repair. Move the gas tank out of the cab, replace engine and tranny with a fuel injection and 5 speed, up grade the a/c and rear disk brake. Looking forward to getting started.
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Old 12-02-2013, 01:18 AM   #8
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Re: Colder weather upon us!

Add stabil and fill the tank, as any air space is space for condensation. Then I drive home from the gas station, park it and unhook the battery, and connect the trickle charger (although I have to switch it between vehicles right now). If it's just for a winter, I leave it on the tires, as I'll have to move it at some point. If longer, I put some jack stands under the rear axle and the front control arms.
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Old 12-02-2013, 08:02 AM   #9
burnin oil
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Re: Colder weather upon us!

Originally Posted by Rod Run View Post
When I store my toys for winter, I've been doing the same thing for over 20 years.

I don't even put a charger on the battery and it fires up every spring.
That must be nice. I have an old truck that is stored outside that takes two batteries. Everytime I go to start it I have to charge the batteries. It may go 3 weeks with the cables unhooked. Batteries are only a year old. As a matter of fact I pulled them last week and just recharged them and they are still sitting next to the charger
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Old 12-02-2013, 09:45 AM   #10
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Re: Colder weather upon us!

I put mine in the tractor shed, have stabil in the tank, covered it with moving blankets after comming from the car wash. Tires are setting on gravel, ( i have to move it a couple of times through the winter) with advice from the guys on this site I put dryer softener sheets in the cab and in the engine bay. I start it and let it run for a good 1/2 hour every week to circulate fluids in the engine and to wart off any rodents,( with the shed doors closed). And most of all I made sure the antifreeze was good, we got down to 11 degrees two nites ago...
Thanks, Joe..
1969 C/10, 348 C.I., 3X2 bbl. V8, 2004r , LWB.
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Old 12-02-2013, 10:53 AM   #11
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Re: Colder weather upon us!

We just drive 'em through the winter out here - might need to use the heater though. (Yeah, another smarta$$ Californian - couldn't resist though!)
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Old 12-02-2013, 11:16 AM   #12
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Re: Colder weather upon us!

Originally Posted by burnin oil View Post
That must be nice. I have an old truck that is stored outside that takes two batteries. Everytime I go to start it I have to charge the batteries. It may go 3 weeks with the cables unhooked. Batteries are only a year old. As a matter of fact I pulled them last week and just recharged them and they are still sitting next to the charger
I'm impressed and surprised every Spring, because the battery is almost 7 years old and the winter temperatures around here spend plenty of time in the single digits. Every April I go out and put the key in the ignition, thinking to myself "this is probably going to be the year I'll need a new battery", then I turn the key and it starts cranking. This is also in a car that has a high compression big-block Chevy under the hood, so it's not something easy to get running to start with.

I probably just jinxed myself now
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Old 12-02-2013, 11:23 AM   #13
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Re: Colder weather upon us!

Originally Posted by hamjet View Post
I start it and let it run for a good 1/2 hour every week to circulate fluids in the engine and to wart off any rodents
honestly, that is one of the worst things you can do for it. When you run an engine like that (especially in the colder winter months), all you are doing is giving the engine just enough time to warm up and create condensation inside the engine and exhaust. If you really think about it, there is no way that moisture can get out of the system, so it's just sitting there allowing everything to rust.

Also, do you think it's really worth having your car go though a cold weather start-up every week? It only takes a matter of hours for warm oil to completely drain back into a pan, but it takes much longer for cold oil to circulate though an entire system.

I'm not saying that I'm completely right, or you're completely wrong, but sometimes you have to step back and really think about things that you are doing.

Also, what weight oil are you running for those cold weather start-ups?
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Old 12-02-2013, 02:29 PM   #14
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Re: Colder weather upon us!

Store as stated in post 6. Do not under any circumstances drain the tank or start it periodically (refer to post 13). Once stored in a cold climate, condensation is your worst enemy.
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Old 12-02-2013, 02:49 PM   #15
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Re: Colder weather upon us!

My Mustang I never really did anything to it. While not put up completely for the winter, I would go 2-3 months without starting it. About the only thing if I knew it was going to be awhile until driven again, was put the car on jackstands to get the tires off the ground. Never had an issue other than needing to put the battery on the charger every now and then.

The boat all I do is 6-gallons of RV Antifreeze, a full tank of fuel, and stabil. Last year I forgot to put the Stabil in with about 25 gallons of fuel and never had a problem in spring. I went about 9 months without firing the engine. About once a month I'll put the trickle charger on both batteries to keep them charged up.

I always change the oil in the spring instead of the fall. I know this is a major topic for debate but I feel I'd rather have fresh oil when I'm running the engine instead of sitting.
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Old 12-02-2013, 02:50 PM   #16
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Re: Colder weather upon us!

I drive mine year round. Rain, snow or shine. I wax it throughout the year, but make sure it gets one last wax before winter hits. I use the spray off car wash about once a week in the winter, and make sure to get the undercarriage with the hot wax setting. Chrome and steel parts get cleaned periodically with Maguires spray detailer

I can't imagine not being able to drive the old beast during the winter. Hell, I go through withdrawal after just a couple days of not driving it
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Old 12-02-2013, 02:57 PM   #17
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Re: Colder weather upon us!

Well, i drive mine, we have had a colder than usual Nov. and i guess its time to find all the cold air leaks that i thought i had sealed.
I don't think we get smarter as we get older. We just run out of Stupid things to do.
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Old 12-02-2013, 03:28 PM   #18
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Re: Colder weather upon us!

Good point Rod Run and firstowner69, I best not start it and let it go till spring. thats whats good about this site, lots of good suggestions and info...
Thanks, Joe..
1969 C/10, 348 C.I., 3X2 bbl. V8, 2004r , LWB.
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Old 12-02-2013, 07:38 PM   #19
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Re: Colder weather upon us!

Its posts like this and cold times like these, that I miss home (Hawaii/California). My truck is almost on stands, so I will be working on it throughout the winter.

My grandpa, Gramps, won a 1970 C20 in 1969 for $1. I'm on a mission to restore it before he passes.

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Old 12-02-2013, 08:10 PM   #20
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Re: Colder weather upon us!

For those of you that worry about rodents using your truck for a winter condo, I have used Mouse Away for several years with great success. Go here and look for Mouse Away products. It is not poison, it is essential peppermint oil and essential spearment oil mixed together, and mice cant stand the smell. Again, it is not poison and not harmful to pets or children. I use this in my vehicles, my house and heating ducts on a regular basis and I have no mice in my vehicles or my house. This stuff really works folks, I buy a half gallon at a time.

I am not associated with this company, just a very satisfied customer.
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Old 12-02-2013, 08:44 PM   #21
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Re: Colder weather upon us!

Well cold temps mean it is time to tear it apart and start the winter project don't they.
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Old 12-02-2013, 10:07 PM   #22
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Re: Colder weather upon us!

The Arkansas West Tennessee weathermen are both saying it may be a ICE STORM coming this week. That means no project work no work of any kind ,no electricity!! I hate those Ice storms. I had rather just have some plain ol snow days so I can stay home and snuggle with the wife and watch it snow and nap and make some Chili. Jim
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Old 12-02-2013, 10:45 PM   #23
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Re: Colder weather upon us!

Stabil and trickle chargers. I also try to fill up with non ethanol gas if possible. Ethanol will play havoc with a stored vehicle. Check the air in the tires so you don't ruin a sidewall.

It does look like we are in for snuggle weather around here this weekend. I'm sure glad they sprayed the foam insulation in my new shop today.
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Old 12-02-2013, 11:57 PM   #24
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Re: Colder weather upon us!

Originally Posted by K10 STEPSIDE View Post
Well cold temps mean it is time to tear it apart and start the winter project don't they.
That's why I kind of look forward to the winter. I hate taking my toys out of commission during the summer, so the forced downtime works out great every winter
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Old 12-03-2013, 12:18 AM   #25
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Re: Colder weather upon us!

Found this topic interested and decided to read up a little on the net. Here's a reply that sounds good:

"I personally start the car every week for about 20 minutes or so. Take it from a research chemist (myself! I get paid for a living to think about these things!..but I'd rather be racing and getting paid for it, right?) the amount of water condensate, the rate of evaporation of this condensate and its effect on the engine and exhaust is not big. Think about it. You warm up the engine at say 180º F or so. Water starts evaporating at around 90º F (30ºC..yep believe it or not!) and by the time you reach engine temperature, most of your water if not all is gone!

With this weather's low temperatures and snow conditions (New Yawk got hit with almost 3ft last week!), the little amount of condensation reacting with the metal alloys of the engine and exhaust to form rust is 'nada'. Bottom line is..don;t worry. you're doing the right thing"

I'd say, if you're going to run the engine (or actually drive it) - do it for the 20-30 minutes, once every other month when the outdoor temp is above 40.
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