Originally Posted by Elliot949
Went by the body shop today and I am a little discouraged... Another week has gone by and there is nothing done... Hopefully tomorrow they will do something...
Originally Posted by screaminchevypickup
That's how a lot of shops are..
Originally Posted by Elliot949
Well Chaotic Customs claim to fame is they are not a body shop.. all they do is Customs and hotrods... Don't get me wrong... they are great guys and all of the custom metal work I have seen them do is awesome... Having owned a Custom shop in the past myself I understand scheduling and working with the different cars in the shop but it seems that the owner is more interested in going to the shows and drumming up more business than taking care of what is there... Just a little disappointed.. I will be fine once something really starts rolling on it...
Sorry to hear this bro and I know alot of guys may not agree with me, but screw all of that. Go pick up your car!! Them doing great work and giving great customer service is entirely two different things. I'm not saying go get it today, but don't tolerate complacency. If they do good work, there are 10 other that do too. Look at the writing on the wall and take heed to the early warning signs. Ask me how I know. Lastly, DON'T...I repeat, DON'T give them a dime or anymore money until you see some progressive progress, not just a few bolts here and there. I mean, some viable, satisfactory progress.
'72 Chevelle SS--4.0 Whipple LS7, T56 Magnum, 20X9/20X13 HRE 791R, 6-piston Baer brakes, IRS
'68 SWB C10--LS3, TKO-600, 22x10/22x12 HRE 948R, C5 suspension, shockwaves, custom frame
Ooh Wee's Makeover...