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Old 05-07-2014, 04:30 PM   #1
Tx Firefighter
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Re: Edelbrock Carb

Originally Posted by MidLifer View Post
Wow this is the first I've read about the fuel pump issue and explains a lot. I have the 1400 (which is a 1406 with an extra vacuum port on it for smog options) and a stock fuel pump, and on a hot engine I often smell gas after I shut it off.

The other issue I've had with my carb is that it is being finicky about the low vacuum I get with my cam. I probably need to break down and spend some time with springs and jets, I even bought the jet kit this winter, but have been too lazy to do the work.

In the collective opinion is it worth $125 to buy an Edelbrock fuel pump?
That's not a fuel pressure issue. That's a percolation issue. The float bowl of the Edlebrock carb is located right in the middle of the main carb body. It's right over the hot engine. When you shut the truck off, the heat rises from the engine and percolates the fuel in the bowl. A thin phenolic spacer will cure it guaranteed. It will also cure the obligatory hot start issue that dry fuel bowls cause. Been there and done that several times. Now I just automatically install the little insulator spacer when I install the carb the first time.

Note a Holley type of carb don't have this issue since their bowls are hanging off of the center carb body and surrounded by ambient air.

I'm with ledzepp on this one. My history of Edelbrock carburetors includes new and used, everything from out of the box to the bottom of some swap meet junk pile. They've all operated nicely and made me real happy with generic parts store fuel pumps and no regulator.
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Old 05-07-2014, 05:30 PM   #2
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Re: Edelbrock Carb

IMO there's a reason why Holley's cost more.
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Old 05-07-2014, 05:44 PM   #3
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Re: Edelbrock Carb

I would highly recommend the phenolic spacer with an Eddy carb also. I've ran several of them over the years, and that spacer ALWAYS gets rid of any hot start issues. Also, for what its worth, I too have never needed a regulator on any of mine.
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Old 05-07-2014, 11:50 PM   #4
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Re: Edelbrock Carb

Originally Posted by Tx Firefighter View Post
That's not a fuel pressure issue. That's a percolation issue. The float bowl of the Edlebrock carb is located right in the middle of the main carb body. .
Not on any Eddy carb i've seen Tx. Floats (2 of them) in bowls(2 of them) on the sides of the carb. Not in the middle like a quadrajet.
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Old 05-09-2014, 12:39 PM   #5
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Re: Edelbrock Carb

Originally Posted by Tx Firefighter View Post
That's not a fuel pressure issue. That's a percolation issue. The float bowl of the Edlebrock carb is located right in the middle of the main carb body. It's right over the hot engine. When you shut the truck off, the heat rises from the engine and percolates the fuel in the bowl. A thin phenolic spacer will cure it guaranteed. It will also cure the obligatory hot start issue that dry fuel bowls cause. Been there and done that several times. Now I just automatically install the little insulator spacer when I install the carb the first time.

Note a Holley type of carb don't have this issue since their bowls are hanging off of the center carb body and surrounded by ambient air.

I'm with ledzepp on this one. My history of Edelbrock carburetors includes new and used, everything from out of the box to the bottom of some swap meet junk pile. They've all operated nicely and made me real happy with generic parts store fuel pumps and no regulator.
Seconded on the phenolic spacer. I had the same issue with a 1406 on a mild SBC. Generic part store mech. fuel pump as well with no issues.

I used the cheap "Spectre" linkage/kickdown bracket that they sell at most autoparts stores. Worked well for years.

edit: I went to a summit brand electric pump when I swapped a BBC due to vapor lock issues in the SW heat. I used a cheap Holley regulator (may have been summit brand, but it was stamped holley on the part) with the gauge. That also worked well. If memory serves it was around $20 several years ago.
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