Re: Carter BB-1 updraft issues- HELP!!!
Spent the day finding/fixing little issues, but still didn't get the car running.
- trued up the flanges on the carb and adapter (the original carb was a Stromberg UX 2 with a flange that was perpendicular to most flanges)
- tightened up the throttle shaft
- rechecked the step up piston and float valve and reset the idle screw and main metering screw
- blocked off the vacuum line to the vacuum tent (the car runs off of an electric fuel pump
These things solved the flooding issue, but now it seems to have an air leak- we ran the idle screw from all the way in to all the way out in increments without any change in rpm.
I'm inclined to agree with you that the accelerator pump is worn- like I said earlier, this is an early version with the brass pump and step up piston. I'll try to get some pics on as soon as I can.