Originally Posted by Advanced Design
Well, we all learn more from mistakes. I am 53 and still learning all the time!
I hear ya! I had some jack stands under the frame but it was inside the bed so they were out of sight.. Forgot I put them there.. And that was making the rake so terrible.. My k member was 3 inches off the ground with my rockers at 5. Loward the rear down and that made my rockers at 3 inches so I javked the front up now my k member is at 5 and my rockers are maybe a little under 5 inches. I know when I put coilovers on and the motor in its gonna change some but I was doin this mock up in hopes that when I put the motor in I can keep the stance I have now! Not sure though.. I'm gonna have adjustable coil overs so hopefully I can adjust them to get this stance.