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Old 02-10-2016, 04:24 AM   #1
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Title question washington and bill of sale

Hi, I'm looking to buy a 69 chev truck in the Washington and drive it back to Canada.

The seller is selling the truck for a friend but says he has a title. I phoned DMV and gave license plate and said no leans on it.

My question is how do I protect myself since the seller isn't the owner?

My gut tells me it isn't a scam, I just want to make sure he can actually sell me the title and truck legit.

Anything I need to look for or something he can email me so I can see before coming all the way down to see it?

Any help is appreciated. I'll worry about the border and getting inspected and insured back in BC.

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Old 02-10-2016, 08:17 AM   #2
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Re: Title question washington and bill of sale

What is the reason you can't meet with the registered owner ? I wouldn't even bother going to look at any truck/car without dealing with the owner or at least meeting them ? I would definitely want a signed and notarized BILL OF SALE along with the signature matching title to get it out of the country . And a copy of their ID showing that same signature . You never hear of someone getting a hard time when registering and insuring a truck when they have TOO MUCH documentation of title transfer . I would stress the fact that your taking it back to Canada and need all the documentation to do that If they can't provide it look for another truck or plan on leaving that one at the border .
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Old 02-10-2016, 09:37 AM   #3
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Re: Title question washington and bill of sale

Get the needed documentation first ...
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Old 02-10-2016, 10:35 AM   #4
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Re: Title question washington and bill of sale

Agree, shouldn't be a problem for the seller to provide you that info. I helped a friend sell his car over CList but when it came down to handing over the title, he was present for the sale.

Curious about something. Before you cross the boarder, is there some stores on the US side you can park the truck? Then walk over and present them with the paperwork and everything? That way, if they hassle you, the truck is still in the US and not being seized by the boarder Aholes.
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Old 02-10-2016, 11:05 AM   #5
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Re: Title question washington and bill of sale

This should clear up any questions . Looks like a 3 day wait to take it across after presenting ALL required documentation .

Exportation at land border crossing points. For those vehicles exported by rail, highway, or under their own power.

The required documentation must be submitted to Customs at least 72 hours prior to export;
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Old 02-10-2016, 11:17 AM   #6
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Re: Title question washington and bill of sale

I live in Washington and I purchased my truck from a friend of the owner. The owner moved to Alaska and asked his buddy to sell it for him. The Washington Title has a place for the owner to sign it over releasing ownership. The guy I bought it from just had his buddy sign it over before he left. Just make sure it is signed in the right place otherwise it will cause problems. like tracking down the owner and having him re-sign.

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Old 02-10-2016, 11:35 AM   #7
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Re: Title question washington and bill of sale

Originally Posted by Ochre Ogre View Post
I live in Washington and I purchased my truck from a friend of the owner. The owner moved to Alaska and asked his buddy to sell it for him. The Washington Title has a place for the owner to sign it over releasing ownership. The guy I bought it from just had his buddy sign it over before he left. Just make sure it is signed in the right place otherwise it will cause problems. like tracking down the owner and having him re-sign.
Big difference between selling it here in the states and taking one out of the country .
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Old 02-10-2016, 02:11 PM   #8
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Re: Title question washington and bill of sale

Just my humble opinion, but you can give as much money to as many different people as you'd like, but until the current owner SIGNS the title over, you haven't bought a truck with that money.

A sworn and notarized bill of sale from the new guy means nothing if HE doesn't in turn have a signed title.

Tread carefully! I'm not sure I understand the situation 100%, but my "Dad Radar" is going off. God I'm old.
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Old 02-10-2016, 02:27 PM   #9
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Re: Title question washington and bill of sale

Thanks everyone, this really helps.

This process falls into two steps

1 - Transferring title to me correctly, licensing and insuring in Washington correctly - no issues, no problems ( that's what this post is about )

2 - Export out of Us and Import into Canada - but am I really exporting? I'd be driving it over.

I don't know if there is a place before border i can park truck, i think they need to see it and inspect it. Would assume so.

I think it might be easier to just get a broker to come get the truck in the states after i buy it correctly.

But this post helps, knowing i can ask seller if the owner signed the title in the right section providing ownership. This is useful info I didn't know prior.

This Bill of Sale form, anyone have a link to an approved DMV form I can download?
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Old 02-10-2016, 03:19 PM   #10
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Re: Title question washington and bill of sale

I found out for sure you have to verify the S/N on the truck matches the TITLE and has not been tampered with.

I also heard that although the website says 72 hours faxing them us border crossing for export is no longer available, one has to use a broker.

The theme is the rules probably change often for Canadian/American import and export and the only true answers come from the agencies that represent it.

Also a notorized bill of sale is an absolute requirement, also printing the craiglist add, bringing your bank withdraw statement just showing a big paper trail of honesty is important as well. And as a canadian don't ever get a us address to get insurance on the truck as then you open up a can of worms about paying taxes etc.


Thanks again guys, aside of the form for bill of sale can you tell me where the VIN is on these trucks, drivers side dash? anywhere else aside of glove box sticker ? ( which wouldn't really count as valid vin verification anyway )
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Old 02-10-2016, 04:06 PM   #11
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Re: Title question washington and bill of sale

VIN number will be located on a riveted plate in the driver’s side door jam, also on stamped into the top of the frame above the upper driver’s side control arm, or close to it.
Good luck with your purchase, hope it all goes smoothly for you.
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Old 02-10-2016, 08:22 PM   #12
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Re: Title question washington and bill of sale

Read the link Grumpy posted very carefully. Also go to Canada Border Services website and read all the information on importing into Canada.

I did this 2 years ago and it went pretty smooth for me. I bought it from a used car dealer who had the title in the owners name. His wife was a notary so he got me all the documents notarized as required. I faxed the documentation 72 hours ahead of showing up at the border. Make sure you export it at one of the designated export locations you can't do it at just any crossing.

They will not tell you ahead of arriving at U.S. Customs if the vehicle is eligible for export. That's why it important to have all documentation in order and notarized as required. I also called both border agencies to confirm I understood all the paperwork requirements.

Canadian Customs will want to see documentation that the vehicle was made to applicable motor vehicle safety standards at the time of manufacture. This is on the blue door jam sticker and must be present or they may not allow it in the country unless you can prove it was manufactured to these standards. I didn't know this was a requirement as it is not specified in the importation rules. Luckily it was in place and intact and yes they did physically look for it.

Hope this helps.
1970 Short Wide
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Old 02-10-2016, 08:31 PM   #13
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Re: Title question washington and bill of sale

I've gone the other direction (Canada to US) with vehicles twice. On the 1969, I had to get a letter from GM stating that, at the time of manufacture, the vehicle met all applicable US safety and emissions standards. Newer vehicles may have a placard to that effect, but the old ones do not.

I ran into issues because I was importing a Pontiac Laurentian which doesn't exist in the US, and that confused the State Patrol to no end - no really, is it a Catalina? A GTO? No, it's none of those... but not an issue you'll face on the truck.

Go through GOM's links and make sure all your ducks are in a row, or you'll be marching them back home. Customs has no sense of humor.

A Canadian entering Canada in a US car can only do it with a valid US work visa (ask me how I know!) or they'll ask you to pay GST, PST, and duty on the vehicle. This is even true of a RENTAL vehicle, much less a purchased one. So you can't just not tell them, for example, as it'd be a failure to declare.
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Old 02-10-2016, 08:31 PM   #14
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Re: Title question washington and bill of sale

You are right you must use a broker now to file the export documentation on your behalf now.
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Old 02-10-2016, 08:34 PM   #15
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Re: Title question washington and bill of sale

Originally Posted by davepl View Post
I've gone the other direction (Canada to US) with vehicles twice. On the 1969, I had to get a letter from GM stating that, at the time of manufacture, the vehicle met all applicable US safety and emissions standards. Newer vehicles may have a placard to that effect, but the old ones do not.

I ran into issues because I was importing a Pontiac Laurentian which doesn't exist in the US, and that confused the State Patrol to no end - no really, is it a Catalina? A GTO? No, it's none of those... but not an issue you'll face on the truck.

Go through GOM's links and make sure all your ducks are in a row, or you'll be marching them back home. Customs has no sense of humor.

All that said, I don't think the export country is even involved. At least Canada had no idea I was taking a vehicle out, and remember you don't even see the local customs on the way out... but that could be the Can->US direction only perhaps.
Coming this way the export Country is very involved.
1970 Short Wide
5.3 4L60E BlackBear tune
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Old 02-10-2016, 10:10 PM   #16
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Re: Title question washington and bill of sale

Come to the US, transfer the title (takes a while, bring a snack), roll that puppy back to your border w/ the fresh new title and see how it goes w/ Cananada...
Nothing against anyone--just the paperwork.
Sorry, humor, or?

Last edited by franken; 02-10-2016 at 10:19 PM.
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Old 02-11-2016, 02:51 AM   #17
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Re: Title question washington and bill of sale

Thanks everyone.
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Old 02-11-2016, 01:27 PM   #18
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Re: Title question washington and bill of sale

Originally Posted by Kennuck View Post
Coming this way the export Country is very involved.
You're right, I caught that and edited my post but you replied in the meantime capturing my error for posterity :-) You're right, the US is very involved in the export stage for whatever reason.
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Old 02-11-2016, 02:19 PM   #19
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Re: Title question washington and bill of sale

I've imported lots of vehicles from the USA into Canada. I will PM you my phone number if you want to call me before you go ahead. If the title is not in the sellers name you will NOT be able to import the truck into Canada.
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Old 02-11-2016, 03:30 PM   #20
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Re: Title question washington and bill of sale

Yes please, thank you very much for your help. Sure I'd love to call you please PM me your phone # I can call via skype.

For the post this is my province's insurance link for importing:
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Old 02-11-2016, 03:50 PM   #21
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Re: Title question washington and bill of sale

Originally Posted by joejiz View Post
Yes please, thank you very much for your help. Sure I'd love to call you please PM me your phone # I can call via skype.

For the post this is my province's insurance link for importing:
Already sent the PM , it should be in your mailbox now. Call now if you want.
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Old 02-12-2016, 02:24 AM   #22
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Re: Title question washington and bill of sale

You will have to come through the Pacific Highway crossing, not Peace Arch. You may be able to get temp insurance from ICBC to transport the truck to the CDN border. I believe there are a couple of places in Blaine, WA that you can park the truck until the paper is processed.

I paid GST at the border, not a big deal, and then PST after it was inspected and I got plates and insurance. Canadian Tire in South Surrey does inspections, probably the first one over the Canadian border.

Know the seller. If anything is off, you may have a problem.

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Old 02-12-2016, 03:17 AM   #23
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Re: Title question washington and bill of sale

Since the seller didn't have the title in his name I told him that I doubt he would do that ( has to pay taxes ) - just to make to easier for me. We parted ways.

Is it true one has to get a letter from GM USA stating the truck meets 1969 Canadian safety standards?

I forgot to as alreadygone that question.

thanks for clarifying gst/pst payments.

The last call to ICBC stated they wouldn't insure it until they see it to verify vin etc.

So how one actually drives the truck when you get into BC after getting across border I still have to find out.

Another thing I have to find out is since the PLATE stays with the truck 99% of the time even after title transfer, is it removed when one crosses the border?
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Old 02-12-2016, 07:13 AM   #24
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Re: Title question washington and bill of sale

"Is it true one has to get a letter from GM USA stating the truck meets 1969 Canadian safety standards?" Not Federally for RIV but maybe ICBC wants that, I do not know for sure.
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Old 02-12-2016, 07:22 AM   #25
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Re: Title question washington and bill of sale

What does it cost to just have a broker handle the whole situation ?
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