Originally Posted by Mrturner1
so I spent 400 dollars on something that won't cool my engine, but the same fans are on hundreds of other hot rods and cooling just fine. I don't get it. It's my tune and timing is what I think, but I won't know for a while
I broke a header bolt off in the block taking it on and off to many times I'd guess. Its inside with nothing sticking out to grab and I just drilled for an hour and I got a 16th of an inch at best with steel bits. I don't have a welder, so I can't go that route....I'm tired of looking at this thing, it's just bad news after broken bolts after whatever's next.
On the cooling issue, what I ment was never say never. You said a clutch fan would never cool as good as your dual fan set up. Speaking from actual personal experience electric fans are not better or worse. But I will never again run electric fans on a street car.
For your broken bolt, sounds like you may have cross threaded the bolt. They dont just break from beig taken out multiple times. Not sure what steel bits you are using but the bolt shouldnt even be tight in the hole unless you have too long of a bolt and it bottomed out and you kept tightening it anyway. Find some good cobalt bits and a ez out kit.